[Image Credit: ITV]Here you’ll see The 1% Club questions and answers for UK Season 4 (or Series 4) for 2025. Following UK Season 3 and the US version of the show, every episode asks contestants questions based on logic and common sense that increase in difficulty. Many of these are brain-teasers and riddles that require outside-of-the-box thinking and attention to detail.
Comedian Lee Mack is once again the host for this popular game show. Here’s a list of every question and answer for the 2025 UK episodes of The 1% Club.List of The 1% Club (UK) questions and answers for 2025Below is a list of The 1% Club questions and answers for each episode in Season 4.
They are presented in chronological order with the answers hidden (you can click on the arrows to reveal them). You can use the quick list to advance to the exact episode you want the answers for. We’ll update this guide as more episodes in Season 4 are released.
Episode 1 – January 25, 2025Episode 2 – February 1, 2025Episode 3 – February 8, 2025Episode 4 – February 15, 2025Episode 5 – February 22, 2025Episode 6 – March 8, 2025Episode 1 Questions and Answers – January 25, 202590% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Sara has almost finished this crossword and just has 7 down left to fill in. The clue is: Investigate. Which of these is the correct answer? [Image above](A) EXPLORE(B) EXAMINE(C) EXPOSEAnswer to 90% Question– (A) EXPLORE.
Only A fits in the grid.80% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Spot the difference between these two images. [image above]Answer to 80% Question– The image on the right has an extra dog.
70% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Which of these is incorrect? [image above]Answer to 70% Question– (C). Change the images to words to make new words. DUCKLONGING is not a word.
60% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Although some have been rotated, which two of these flags are exactly the same? [image above]Answer to 60% Question– Flags A and C.50% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Eight people are in a circle, either standing up (U) or sitting down (D) as shown below. Everyone who is standing up sits down and vice versa.
How many people are now standing? [image above]Answer to 50% Question– 5. You just needed to count how many people were sitting down, as they will end up standing.45% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Have a look at this bathroom floor covered in square tiles.
If each square tile features eight triangles, how many square tiles were used to cover this floor? [image above]Answer to 45% Question– 20. [It would be a 4 by 5 grid.]40% Question & AnswerQ: If there were no vowels at all, what would be the 13th letter of the alphabet?Answer to 40% Question– Q.
The list goes B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P and Q.35% Question & AnswerQ: Which of the following words is still a recognised word if you substitute the first letter for the next letter in the alphabet and the last letter for the previous letter in the alphabet?(A) BRINK(B) CROWN(C) CREST Answer to 35% Question– (C) CREST. [The instructions would turn this word into DRESS.
]30% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Below is the recipe for a Big Mack burger. If I have nine whole buns, nine cheese slices, eight tomato slices, and ten patties, what is the maximum number of Big Mack burgers I can make? [image above]Answer to 30% Question– 5. Each burger has two patties so ten patties limit the number of burgers to five.
[It is assumed that the buns are cut in half.]25% Question & AnswerQ: How many pairs of anagrams are there in the following sentence?Alice, Dan, Celia and Enid hoped to dine well on the plane from Nepal.Answer to 25% Question– 4.
[Alice & Celia, Dan & and, Enid & dine, plane & Nepal.]20% Question & AnswerQ: What number replaces the question mark in the sequence below?7 8 5 5 3 4 4 ? 9 7 8 8Answer to 20% Question– 6. The sequence is the number of letters in the names of the months in a calendar year.
The question mark represents August and there are six letters in August.15% Question & AnswerQ: In the puzzle below, what four words replace the question mark?Shatter the frozen water = Break the iceYou can’t access a novel by its dust jacket = You can’t judge a book by its coverIllustrious intellects imagine identically = ?Answer to 15% Question– Great minds think alike.10% Question & AnswerQ: If you change the letter at the beginning of the first word, the letter in the middle of the second word and the letter at the end of the third word, they all now have something in common.
What is it?CAT BOATS SCAREAnswer to 10% Question– Clothes. You can change CAT to HAT, BOATS to BOOTS, and SCARE to SCARF. [This is a tricky one since there are a lot of possibilities for word changes.
The main thing to focus on are what SCARE could change into, which would be SCARF, SCARS, and SCARY, as well as what BOATS could turn into, which would be BOLTS, BOOTS, and BOUTS. From there, you can make a clothing connection between BOOTS and SCARF.]5% Question & AnswerQ: You have a pack of 52 playing cards in your hand and decide to sort them into alphabetical order.
The ACE of CLUBS, ACE of DIAMONDS, ACE of HEARTS and ACE of SPADES are the first four cards you place on the table. If you carried on this sequence, what would be the LAST card you would place down?Answer to 5% Question– TWO of SPADES.1% Question & AnswerQ: Answer the puzzle below:How many dots (i.
e. “.”) – including any used in punctuation and letters.
.. – are used in writing this question?Answer to 1% Question– 17.
[“i.e.” has 2 periods, “.
..” has 3 dots, “?” has 1 dot, and “.
” has 1 dot. And then there are 10 i’s in the question.]Episode 2 Questions and Answers – February 1, 202590% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Four people are in a maze trying to reach the centre.
Which of them is going the wrong way? [image above](A), (B), (C), or (D)Answer to 90% Question– B. [Person B is heading toward dead ends.]80% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Lee always paints a circle.
Lee never paints squares. Lee always paints four triangles. Which of these is one of Lee’s paintings? [image above](A), (B), or (C)Answer to 80% Question– A.
B has squares and C has only three triangles so it must be A.70% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: What board game is represented here? [image above]Answer to 70% Question– Scrabble. S + CRAB + BALL.
60% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: How many squares make up this pattern? [image above]Answer to 60% Question– 4.50% Question & AnswerQ: Which of the words that follow this sentence don’t follow the word “follow” in this questions?(A) this(B) in(C) the(D) ofAnswer to 50% Question– D. [The sentence has “follow this”, “follow the”, and “‘follow’ in”.
]45% Question & AnswerQ: Alistair’s dream celebrity dinner party would be Cameron Diaz, Ella Fitzgerald and Glenn Hoddle. What is Alistair’s surname?(A) Green(B) White(C) Coral(D) BrownAnswer to 45% Question– D. The initials of all the guests are consecutive letters, so his surname must begin with B.
40% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: What sport replaces the question mark? [image above]Answer to 40% Question– GOLF. [GOAL – AL + LF = GOLF]35% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: These are all the UK coins in order of size from smallest to largest. How many stay in the same position when they are laid out in value order from lowest to highest instead? [image above]Answer to 35% Question– One.
[Only the largest coin, the two pound coin, stays in the same place.]30% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: What word replaces the question mark? [image credit]Answer to 30% Question– GREEN. The words in each box dictate the colour of the next box.
25% Question & AnswerQ: The answers to each of these clues all use the same three letters but in different orders. What are those three letters?POSSESSIMMEDIATELYVICTORIOUSAnswer to 25% Question– O, W, and N. [POSSESS = OWN, IMMEDIATELY = NOW, and VICTORIOUS = WON.
]20% Question & AnswerQ: What weather-related phrase is represented here?Emperor Tiger. King Tabby. Queen Spaniel.
Empress Labrador.Answer to 20% Question– Raining cats and dogs. Emperor, king, queen, and empress all ‘reign’.
Tiger and tabby are cats and spaniel and labrador are dogs.15% Question & AnswerQ: What two letters can be placed in front of the following five words to create five new common words?__APED __INK __ONE __OWNED __OUGHTAnswer to 15% Question– D and R. [Adding ‘DR’ to these words becomes DRAPED, DRINK, DRONE, DROWNED, and DROUGHT.
10% Question & AnswerQ: Starting at 1, the first 10 odd numbers add up to 100. What do the first 10 even numbers add up to?Answer to 10% Question– 110. 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 12 + 14 + 16 + 18 + 20 = 110 OR you could just add 10 to 100 as each even number is 1 higher than the previous odd number.
5% Question & AnswerQ: Without reordering any letters, how many animals appear in the sequence below?P H E A S A N T O R T O I S E A L I O NAnswer to 5% Question– 6. PHEASANT, SEALION, ANT, SEAL, TORTOISE and LION. [Yes, ants are animals.
]1% Question & AnswerQ: The words below share a specific pattern. Why could VOTING also be part of the group?BANDLEADER NICKELODEON SILVERBACKAnswer to 1% Question– They all contain the names of metals. [BANDLEADER has LEAD, NICKELODEON has NICKEL, and SILVERBACK has SILVER.
]Episode 3 Questions and Answers – February 8, 202590% Question & AnswerQ: Which of these does not make a word when the letters are placed in reverse order?(A) STUN, (B) DUST, (C) SNUBAnswer to 90% Question– B: DUST. [DUST reversed is TSUD, which isn’t a word.]80% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Shanti is bored and removes her sunglasses, keys, pen, train ticket and lipstick from her handbag, puts them in alphabetical order and takes a photo from above.
Which of these is the correct photo?Answer to 80% Question– B. [In alphabetical order, it goes Keys, Lipstick, Pen, Sunglasses, and Train Ticket.]70% Question & AnswerQ: Serena is about to cast a vote for her local council.
She picks the candidate with a name that is an anagram of ‘electoral system’. Who does she vote for?(A) Caroline Genteel(B) Scarlett Moseley(C) Nicola Gollete(D) Phil Gobolton(E) Lexi PlotAnswer to 70% Question– B: Scarlett Moseley. It’s the only name that has any Ss.
60% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Amlan is very particular about how he lays out the apps on his home screen. Which of these completes Amlan’s layout? [image above](A) PLUM(B) BAKE(C) MILKAnswer to 60% Question– C: MILK. [The logos on the apps spell out DON’T CRY OVER SPILT.
.. and so MILK completes the sequence.
]50% Question & AnswerQ: If even numbers are blue and odd numbers are red, what colour is red + red?(A) Blue(B) RedAnswer to 50% Question– A: Blue. Two odd numbers always make an even number so two red make a blue.45% Question & AnswerQ: Without reordering any letters, what fruit appears in the sentence below?I’D MAKE MY OWN JUICE WHILE MONEY ROLLS INAnswer to 45% Question– LEMON.
[It’s found between WHILE and MONEY.]40% Question & AnswerQ: What one letter replaces the asterisks to complete this sentence?*I**A’S *AM*ERED *U**IES *OO* ON *UR*LE *A*ERAnswer to 40% Question– P. [This creates the sentence PIPPA’S PAMPERED PUPPIES POOP ON PURPLE PAPER.
]35% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Which of the options links the following? [image above]Answer to 35% Question– D: CAR. The word CAR goes in front of each of the words to make new words. [This creates the words CARPET, CARGO, and CARNATION.
30% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: If you begin at one of the corners of this square and move clockwise around the outer edge to finish in the centre, what nine-letter word can you spell?Answer to 30% Question– SEARCHING. [Start with the letter S and go clockwise around the board.]25% Question & AnswerQ: Jim is 6 ft 3 inches tall and when his friend Erica stands on a stool which is one foot tall, she becomes 2 inches taller than him.
How tall is Erica?Answer to 25% Question– 5 ft 5 inches. 6 ft 3 plus 2 inches = 6 ft 5, then take away one foot for the stool = 5 ft 5 inches.20% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: What is the minimum number of arrows you need to turn for all the arrows to be pointing in the same direction? [image above]Answer to 20% Question– 10.
There are more arrows pointing up than any other direction so you need to turn the others to match.15% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: Sam’s brother was his best man and Lucy’s sister was her maid of honour. In the seating plan from their wedding, how many people are sitting next to a blood relative? [image above]Answer to 15% Question– 4.
[The Best Man and Groom’s Mother are blood relatives. So are the Bride and Bride’s Father.] 10% Question & AnswerQ: Is saw this newspaper headline on a ski trip.
Which word is the odd one out?Skiing officials allegedly announce accidents will soon require immediate attentionAnswer to 10% Question– “require”. It’s the only word that doesn’t contain double letters.5% Question & AnswerQ: What replaces the question marks in this sequence?JF3128 MA3130 MJ3130 ??????Answer to 5% Question– JA3131.
The sequence consists of the initial letters of the months of the year followed by the number of days in those months. The next in the sequences is July August 3131.1% Question & AnswerQ: If you remove all the underlined letters from the sentence below, what word can be spelt if you rearrange all of the remaining letters?ANIMAL TO SHUN IN STAMPEDEAnswer to 1% Question– ELEPHANT.
Episode 4 Questions and Answers – February 15, 202590% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: The contents of this can have been shaken up. What two-word food is in the can? (image above)Answer to 90% Question– TOMATO SOUP.80% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: Which of these words links the following images? (image above)(A) COLD, (B) CODE, (C) CURLAnswer to 80% Question– B: CODE.
Combining CODE with the three images leads to dress CODE, Green Cross CODE, and barCODE.70% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: Which of these dominos has more spots than the number of wheels on two tricycles but fewer than the legs on two zebras? (image above)Answer to 70% Question– B. There are six wheels on two tricycles and eight legs on two zebras so it has to be B.
[It has seven dots.]60% Question & AnswerQ: Sisters Holly, Alisha, Steph and Eliza all booked an appointment at their favourite hairdresser on the same day. Steph went after Alisha and Holly were first.
If Eliza went after Steph, what order did the girls go in?(A) Holly, Steph, Alisha, Eliza(B) Holly, Eliza, Alisha, Steph(C) Holly, Alisha, Steph, ElizaAnswer to 60% Question– C. [In A Steph doesn’t go after Alisha. And in B Eliza doesn’t go after Steph.
]50% Question & AnswerQ: Which of the following words includes a number in it which is NOT the same as the number of letters in the word?(A) WEIGHTED(B) HORNINESS(C) EXTENSIONAnswer to 50% Question– C. WEIGHTED has 8 letters. HORNINESS has 9 letters.
EXTENSION does not have 10 letters.45% Question & AnswerQ: Which single letter replaces all the question marks to make a word??A??OOIS?Answer to 45% Question– T. [This forms the word TATTOOIST.
]40% Question & AnswerQ: Which of the following words cannot have a letter removed to leave a real word that sounds exactly the same as before?(A) Chord, (B) Boarder, (C) Source, (D) MourningAnswer to 40% Question– C. [Chord can be turned into Cord, Boarder into Border, and Mourning into Morning.]35% Question & AnswerQ: What one word do these three phrases all have in common?Loud unpleasant noiseTennis equipmentFraudulent activityAnswer to 35% Question– Racket.
They are all different definitions of the rocket ‘racket’.30% Question & AnswerQ: In a new word game, you score one point for every letter in the word. Then you take off two points if the word contains the letter E.
Finally, double the points if the word contains a double letter. Which of these words would score the highest?(A) QUIZ(B) FITTING(C) CORRECT(D) QUICKSANDAnswer to 30% Question– B. [FITTING will score 14 points.
Meanwhile, QUIZ will score 4 points, CORRECT 10 points, and QUICKSAND 9 points.]25% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: What number replaces the question mark below? (image above)Answer to 25% Question– 12. The number on the left is the total number of lines in the number on the left.
More lines have been added to the ones and sevens as you go down the list.20% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: The words in each square have something in common that puts them in that square. Which of these words can go into all three squares?(A) STOP(B) BRING(C) LEVEL(D) PEEPAnswer to 20% Question– D: PEEP.
The word needs to read the same backwards and forwards (first square), end with a P (second square) and have four letters (third square).15% Question & AnswerQ: You roll three standard dice to find a three-digit number, e.g.
235. What is the highest number you can roll where all digits add up to 10?Answer to 15% Question– 631.10% Question & AnswerQ: Each of the gaps below can be filled by a different three-letter sequences that goes after the first word and before the second word to make two new words.
What nine-letter word is made when you put the three sequences together, in order?HANDLE _ _ _ BELLFORGOT _ _ _ ANTSHRED _ _ _ BYAnswer to 10% Question– BARTENDER. [BAR completes HANDLEBAR and BARBELL. TEN completes FORGOTTEN and TENANT.
DER completes SHREDDER and DERBY.]5% Question & AnswerQ: If you remove all the words in this sentence that contain recurring letters within them, which becomes the ninth word in this sentence?Answer to 5% Question– word. [‘Recurring letters’ here means letters that occur more than once in a word.
]1% Question & AnswerQ: What common four-word phrase is represented here?SPRAINED ANKLE + “YOU ARE STUPID!”Answer to 1% Question– ADDING INSULT TO INJURY.Episode 5 Questions and Answers – February 22, 202590% Question & AnswerQ: Which of these is the largest?(A) CIRCLE(B) TRIANGLE(C) RECTANGLE(D) SQUAREAnswer to 90% Question– C: RECTANGLE. RECTANGLE is nine letters long.
All the others are shorter. [Yes, the wording of the question is strange.]80% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: Here is a photograph and floorplan of Hassan’s bungalow.
In which room has he left the light on? [image above](A) KITCHEN(B) BATHROOM(C) BEDROOM(D) LIVING ROOMAnswer to 80% Question– C: BEDROOM. 70% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: Which of these structures is made up of a different set of blocks to the other two? [image above](A), (B), or (C)Answer to 70% Question– C. C has a difference orange block and is missing the green bridge.
60% Question & AnswerQ: What four-letter word replaces the question mark?SOFTENING –> SONGRADIOACTIVE –> RAVEWHITECOAT –> WHATFAVOURITE –> ?Answer to 60% Question– FATE. Each new word is created by using the first two and the last two letters of the original.50% Question & AnswerQ: Adding what single letter to CONTACT makes it smaller?Answer to 50% Question– R.
Adding an R makes it CONTRACT.45% Question & AnswerQ: If you remove a playing card from the first word, a pet from the second word, an insect from the third word and a drink from the fourth word, what number appears?FACE COAT AUNT TEARAnswer to 45% Question– FOUR. [Remove ACE from FACE, CAT from COAT, ANT from AUNT, and TEA from TEAR.
]40% Question & AnswerQ: What three-letter word has a similar meaning when read backwards and also if you move the first letter to the end becomes apt?Answer to 40% Question– TAP. When read backwards, TAP becomes PAT and if you move the first letter to the end, TAP becomes APT.35% Question & AnswerQ: What single word goes in the gaps below to make new words?QUICK_____THOU__________STONEAnswer to 35% Question– SAND.
[This makes QUICKSAND, THOUSAND, and SANDSTONE.30% Question & Answer[Image Credit: ITV]Q: What common phrase does this picture represent? [image above]Answer to 30% Question– TWO PEAS IN A POD.25% Question & AnswerQ: Which three different whole numbers – all lower than 10 – give you the same total whether you add them together or multiply them together?Answer to 25% Question– 1, 2, and 3.
1 + 2 + 3 = 6 and 1 x 2 x 3 = 6.20% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: There is only one number missing from this pattern? [image above]Answer to 20% Question– 4. There’s one 1, two 2s, three 3s and five 5s but only three 4s.
15% Question & AnswerQ: If my old brown woolly jumper contains two holes for every o in this sentence, how many holes are there?Answer to 15% Question– 22. The letter o appears 11 times. 11 x 2 = 22.
10% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: There are four letters written on the circle. The other letters are all outside the circle. You need to turn the circle clockwise until a colour is spelt out.
How many 90 degree turns do you need to make? [image above]Answer to 10% Question– 2. After two turns, the p turns to d so the word red appears.5% Question & AnswerQ: Today, the three witches in Macbeth are discussing when the three should meet again.
Witch 1 is available every fourth day, Witch 2 is available every fifth day, and Witch 3 is available every sixth day. How many days from today will they be able to meet again?Answer to 5% Question– 60 days. 60 is the first number that is divisible by four, five and six.
1% Question & AnswerQ: Peter has recently found his old diary that he’d written in secret code but he can’t remember how to decipher what he wrote. Can you check the code to find out what the underlined word is?WH89 I GR1W UP I WA92 21 B8 A 5L1RI72Answer to 1% Question– FLORIST. Where he could, he replaced a letter with a digit that starts with that letter.
[An alternate method is figuring out that the 1 is an O from GR1W (GROW) and the 2 is a T from WA92 (WANT). That makes the last word _LORI_T, and from there it shouldn’t be too hard to work out the missing letters to form an occupation.Episode 6 Questions and Answers – March 8, 202590% Question & AnswerQ: Which member of Take That links these words?QUESTION BOOK TRADE(A) GARY(B) MARK(C) JASONAnswer to 90% Question– B: MARK.
[Adding MARK to the three words results in QUESTION MARK, BOOKMARK, and TRADEMARK.]80% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: Which of these is the odd one out? [image above](A), (B), or (C)Answer to 80% Question– C. The words correspond to the shape except for C which should say SQUARE.
70% Question & AnswerQ: Nicole is trying to think of a new password for her email account. She is going to use her middle name, an animal and a colour in a random order. Which of the following passwords must be hers?(A) Sarah SharkStick(B) Olivia OrangeOlga(C) Purple ParrotPaulaAnswer to 70% Question– C: Purple ParrotPaula.
A doesn’t have a colour and B has no animal.60% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: Aisha is writing out the names of numbers in matchstick form using one matchstick per stroke like this. Which of the options below uses fewer matchsticks than the number itself? [image above](A) 9(B) 10(C) 11Answer to 60% Question– B: 10.
[TEN requires 9 strokes or matchsticks, NINE takes 11, and ELEVEN takes 19.]50% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: This arrow is pointing up. Logically, which of these words could also go into the arrow.
[image above](A) KITTEN(B) PUPPY(C) CALFAnswer to 50% Question– B: PUPPY. All the words in the arrow have the word UP in them.45% Question & AnswerQ: Three people are singing ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’.
Tom does the four actions to match the lyrics. Dick always does the four actions in the reverse order to how they appear in the title. Harry does the four actions in alphabetical order.
How many people touch their knees at the same time?Answer to 45% Question– 2. Tom goes Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes. Dick goes Toes, Knees, Shoulders, Head.
Harry goes Head, Knees, Shoulders, Toes.40% Question & AnswerQ: How many different combinations are there of displaying four digits on one hand?Answer to 40% Question– 5. [Each digit in your hand can be closed so that four fingers are displayed, so there are five combinations.
]35% Question & AnswerQ: Which of these words would logically come next in this sequence?ABUZZ BREEZY COMPLEX(A) DETOX(B) DIARY(C) DRAWAnswer to 35% Question– C: DRAW. The start of every word goes forward one letter alphabetically and the end of every word goes back one letter.30% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: If image A is Downtime, what is image B? [image above]Answer to 30% Question– Bigwig.
TOWN is written down = Downtown, WIG is big = Bigwig.25% Question & AnswerQ: Maddie’s step counter watch starts at zero at the bottom of a staircase. She climbs 35 stairs but drops her watch to the very bottom and runs down to pick it up.
When she gets to the top of the stairs, her watch says she has climbed 100 steps. How many steps long is the staircase?Answer to 25% Question– 65 steps. 100 steps minus the 35 she originally climbed means the staircase is 65 steps high.
The steps on the way back down weren’t counted because she has dropped the watch.20% Question & Answer[Image Credit: iTV]Q: Which prominent UK person is this rhyming code for? [image above]Answer to 20% Question– Keir Starmer. Kier Starmer rhymes with Deer Llama.
15% Question & AnswerQ: A spy has given us their name but has coded it by moving each letter one letter backwards in the alphabet. What is their real name?ODMDKNODAnswer to 15% Question– PENELOPE.10% Question & AnswerQ: Answer this question: What word do you get if you take the third letter of the alphabet and and and the twenty-fifth letter of the twenty-fifth letter of the alphabet?Answer to 10% Question– CANDY.
C and AND and Y.5% Question & AnswerQ: [Skipped as there was only one contestant left.]Answer to 5% Question– [Skipped.
]1% Question & AnswerQ: What connects all the following words? [Contestant skipped, took £11,000 in prize money.]HERO SHEET WEST YOUTHAnswer to 1% Question– The post The 1% Club Questions & Answers for UK Season 4 (2025) appeared first on ComingSoon.net - Movie Trailers, TV & Streaming News, and More.