Telegram Changes Hard Stance, CEO Pavel Durov Confirms Sharing Of User Data With Authorities Amid Legal Pressure

Telegram has announced it will now share users' IP addresses and phone numbers with authorities in response to legitimate legal requests. This shift in policy was confirmed by CEO Pavel Durov, who shared the news in a Telegram post on Monday. The update to Telegram’s terms of service is designed to curb criminal activity on the platform. Durov's announcement follows his recent arrest in France, where he is facing charges of allegedly enabling the spread of child exploitation materials.Telegram Changes StanceThis move marks a significant departure from Telegram's earlier stance, where it was known for its refusal to comply with government data requests. The platform, which operates from the United Arab Emirates, has long been criticised for its lenient moderation and failure to respond to authorities’ requests, particularly regarding criminal activity.In addition to sharing user data when necessary, Telegram has started using AI and a team of moderators to remove harmful content from search results. This change is part of a broader effort to prevent misuse of the app, Durov explained.Durov, a Russian-born entrepreneur, has been ordered to remain in France while the investigation continues. He denies the allegations, which portray him as the head of a company that refused to cooperate with law enforcement on criminal cases.ALSO READ: 'Telegram Not Anarchic Paradise', CEO Pavel Durov Claims His Arrest Was 'Misguided'. Check Out His Full MessageTelegram Under ScannerTelegram has been under scrutiny by governments worldwide, from the European Union to authoritarian regimes like Russia and Iran. While the app has been a tool for protesters organising against oppressive governments, it has also become a haven for extremists and conspiracy theorists. In the US, white supremacist groups have used Telegram to coordinate attacks on critical infrastructure.In 2018, the Russian government attempted to ban Telegram, but the effort was abandoned two years later when authorities failed to block access to the app. At the time, Russian regulators stated that Durov had agreed to help combat extremism on the platform.Durov's arrest has prompted several policy shifts within Telegram. Earlier this month, the app restricted new media uploads to clamp down on bots and scammers.


Telegram has announced it will now share users' IP addresses and phone numbers with authorities in response to legitimate legal requests. This shift in policy was confirmed by CEO Pavel Durov, who shared the news in a Telegram post on Monday. The update to Telegram’s terms of service is designed to curb criminal activity on the platform.

Durov's announcement follows his recent arrest in France, where he is facing charges of allegedly enabling the spread of child exploitation materials. Telegram Changes Stance This move marks a significant departure from Telegram's earlier stance, where it was known for its refusal to comply with government data requests. The platform, which operates from the United Arab Emirates, has long been criticised for its lenient moderation and failure to respond to authorities’ requests, particularly regarding criminal activity.

In addition to sharing user data when necessary, Telegram has started using AI and a team of moderators to remove harmful content from search results. This change is part of a broader effort to prevent misuse of the app, Durov explained. Durov, a Russian-born entrepreneur, has been ordered to remain in France while the investigation continues.

He denies the allegations, which portray him as the head of a company that refused to cooperate with law enforcement on criminal cases. ALSO READ: 'Telegram Not Anarchic Paradise', CEO Pavel Durov Claims His Arrest Was 'Misguided'. Check Out His Full Message Telegram Under Scanner Telegram has been under scrutiny by governments worldwide, from the European Union to authoritarian regimes like Russia and Iran.

While the app has been a tool for protesters organising against oppressive governments, it has also become a haven for extremists and conspiracy theorists. In the US, white supremacist groups have used Telegram to coordinate attacks on critical infrastructure. In 2018, the Russian government attempted to ban Telegram, but the effort was abandoned two years later when authorities failed to block access to the app.

At the time, Russian regulators stated that Durov had agreed to help combat extremism on the platform. Durov's arrest has prompted several policy shifts within Telegram. Earlier this month, the app restricted new media uploads to clamp down on bots and scammers.
