HYDERABAD: Justice Nagesh Bheemapaka of the Telangana High Court has refused to interfere in two writ petitions filed by BJP Legislature Party leader Aleti Maheshwar Reddy and another, challenging GO 33 to establish Indiramma Committees at the Gram Panchayat and Municipal Ward levels to implement the Indiramma Indlu programme, a housing scheme for the poor. The petitioners argued that the formation of these committees without consulting gram sabhas and ward committees was illegal, and in violation of the provisions of the Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018, the Telangana Municipalities Act, 2019, and Articles 12, 14, 39, and 243 of the Constitution. They also expressed concern that the inclusion of two women from SHGs and three local persons without specific qualifications could lead to political misuse and favouritism in the selection process, defeating the scheme’s objectives.
However, the state government told the court that “Indiramma Indlu” was a policy initiative aimed at providing financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh per house to construct 4.5 lakh houses in the first phase. The government pointed out that the scheme was part of its six guarantees under the “Abhayahastham” programme, with a funding model involving contributions from both the state and Union governments.
The court observed that the government holds discretionary power to implement welfare schemes under policy decisions and that judicial intervention in such matters was unwarranted unless there is clear evidence of misuse or deviation from the stated objectives..