: The Telangana High Court on Thursday directed the state government to initiate disciplinary action against revenue authorities concerned for being complacent in acquiring land for the construction of Shivanna Gudem Balancing Reservoir at Khudabakshpally village of Marriguda mandal in Nalgonda district. The order was issued by Justice Tadakamalla Vinod Kumar while dealing a petition filed by Ralla Srinivasa Chary who approached the court seeking compensation for his land that was being acquired for the project. When the state counsel informed the court that the petitioner took up construction with permission from the gram panchayat and mandal authorities on the land even after the government published the acquisition notification, the judge expressed anger, saying how come the authorities could approve the construction when the notification bars any transactions in the said land.
Directing the state to submit an affidavit on the action taken against the authorities, the judge posted the hearing after three weeks. The government counsel informed the court that Chary took up construction on the land after the acquisition notification was issued and has now moved the High Court challenging the acquisition. The judge also questioned the state counsel on why the state is not taking action against erring officials.
“Here, everything started after the notification was issued. You should tell us what action is initiated against them for creating this mess. We will not leave these officers without strict punishments.
The panchayat secretary, tahsildar, and all those involved should face action,” said the judge. The court directed the state to inform the court about the proceedings against the erring officials while also maintaining that the petitioner cannot claim compensation in the matter..