Political analyst Tehseen Poonawalla has launched a stinging critique against Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan over his alleged comments on Sanatan Dharma. Poonawalla claimed that individuals with a leftist mindset suffer from a pervasive 'mental disease' he dubs 'Sanatan Dharma Phobia India' (SDPI). According to Poonawalla, this supposed ailment primarily afflicts those aligned with leftist ideologies, which he argues have become increasingly irrelevant in India, now largely limited to the confines of the Jawaharlal Nehru University canteen and the state of Kerala.
He further predicted that Kerala, too, will soon experience a decline in leftist influence. Addressing recent rallies in Kerala, Poonawalla contrasted Hamas's involvement with Vijayan's remarks that Sanatana Dharma is incompatible with democracy. He dismissed these views as emblematic of the leftist mindset.
Vijayan, for his part, spoke at the Sivagiri Pilgrimage, arguing that portraying Sree Narayana Guru as a Sanatana Dharma proponent misrepresents his anti-caste stance, which opposed hereditary professions and promoted inclusivity. (With inputs from agencies.).
Tehseen Poonawalla Criticizes Kerala CM Over Sanatan Dharma Remarks
Tehseen Poonawalla Criticizes Kerala CM Over Sanatan Dharma Remarks Political analyst Tehseen Poonawalla has launched a stinging critique against Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan over his alleged comments on Sanatan Dharma. Poonawalla claimed that individuals with a leftist mindset suffer from a pervasive 'mental disease' he dubs 'Sanatan Dharma Phobia India' (SDPI).According to Poonawalla, this supposed ailment primarily afflicts those aligned with leftist ideologies, which he argues have become increasingly irrelevant in India, now largely limited to the confines of the Jawaharlal Nehru University canteen and the state of Kerala. He further predicted that Kerala, too, will soon experience a decline in leftist influence.Addressing recent rallies in Kerala, Poonawalla contrasted Hamas's involvement with Vijayan's remarks that Sanatana Dharma is incompatible with democracy. He dismissed these views as emblematic of the leftist mindset. Vijayan, for his part, spoke at the Sivagiri Pilgrimage, arguing that portraying Sree Narayana Guru as a Sanatana Dharma proponent misrepresents his anti-caste stance, which opposed hereditary professions and promoted inclusivity.