A 19-year-old social media content creator died by suicide, live on Instagram, Monday at her home in Chhattisgarh's Janjgir Champa district. The horror came to light on Thursday. At least 21 of Ankur Nath's followers watched in horror as she prepared to hang herself.
Those who lived nearby rushed to her home but found it locked from inside. They raised an alarm and called the neighbours but were too late to save her. One of them told police he felt helpless as he was simply a follower of her account and knew nothing about her.
He is still in shock, police said. Another follower said he tried calling her phone but couldn't connect. Preliminary investigation indicates she took the extreme step due to "heartbreak in love," a police officer said.
Her parents, who live in Hyderabad, told cops she was addicted to her phone and would regularly post reels and videos as it got her a lot of attention. Ankur lived with her elder sister in Nawagarh, 150 km from Raipur..
Teen kills self live on Instagram, 20+ watch
A 19-year-old social media content creator from Chhattisgarh's Janjgir Champa district committed suicide on Instagram live. The incident was witnessed by at least 21 followers who were unable to save her. Preliminary investigations suggest she took the extreme step due to a heartbreak. Ankur Nath's parents reported her addiction to social media and constant posting of videos.