Target Co. ( NYSE:TGT – Get Free Report )’s stock price rose 0.3% on Tuesday .
The stock traded as high as $132.39 and last traded at $132.38.
Approximately 438,331 shares changed hands during trading, a decline of 90% from the average daily volume of 4,553,791 shares. The stock had previously closed at $131.92.
Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth A number of equities research analysts have issued reports on TGT shares. Melius Research initiated coverage on shares of Target in a research report on Monday, September 23rd. They issued a “buy” rating and a $180.
00 target price for the company. Stifel Nicolaus upped their price target on shares of Target from $137.00 to $145.
00 and gave the company a “hold” rating in a report on Tuesday, December 10th. Daiwa America lowered shares of Target from a “strong-buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Tuesday, November 26th. Bank of America reduced their price objective on Target from $195.
00 to $160.00 and set a “buy” rating for the company in a research report on Thursday, November 21st. Finally, StockNews.
com lowered shares of Target from a “strong-buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Thursday, November 21st. One analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, seventeen have assigned a hold rating and fifteen have assigned a buy rating to the stock. Based on data from MarketBeat, the company presently has an average rating of “Hold” and an average target price of $160.
57. Check Out Our Latest Stock Report on TGT Target Price Performance Target ( NYSE:TGT – Get Free Report ) last issued its earnings results on Wednesday, November 20th. The retailer reported $1.
85 earnings per share for the quarter, missing analysts’ consensus estimates of $2.30 by ($0.45).
Target had a return on equity of 31.11% and a net margin of 4.06%.
The firm had revenue of $25.23 billion for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $25.87 billion.
During the same quarter in the previous year, the firm posted $2.10 earnings per share. Target’s quarterly revenue was up .
9% on a year-over-year basis. As a group, research analysts anticipate that Target Co. will post 8.
6 EPS for the current fiscal year. Insider Buying and Selling In related news, insider Richard H. Gomez sold 6,348 shares of the company’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Friday, September 27th.
The shares were sold at an average price of $157.17, for a total transaction of $997,715.16.
Following the completion of the transaction, the insider now directly owns 123,551 shares in the company, valued at $19,418,510.67. This represents a 4.
89 % decrease in their position. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available through this hyperlink . 0.
15% of the stock is currently owned by company insiders. Institutional Inflows and Outflows Institutional investors and hedge funds have recently made changes to their positions in the company. Cynosure Group LLC raised its stake in Target by 4.
3% during the third quarter. Cynosure Group LLC now owns 1,590 shares of the retailer’s stock worth $248,000 after buying an additional 65 shares during the last quarter. Financial Advocates Investment Management raised its holdings in shares of Target by 1.
2% in the 3rd quarter. Financial Advocates Investment Management now owns 5,736 shares of the retailer’s stock worth $894,000 after purchasing an additional 67 shares during the period. Hancock Whitney Corp lifted its position in shares of Target by 3.
3% during the 3rd quarter. Hancock Whitney Corp now owns 2,156 shares of the retailer’s stock valued at $336,000 after buying an additional 68 shares during the last quarter. Integral Investment Advisors Inc.
boosted its holdings in Target by 5.3% in the 2nd quarter. Integral Investment Advisors Inc.
now owns 1,382 shares of the retailer’s stock worth $203,000 after buying an additional 69 shares during the period. Finally, Trust Co. of Vermont grew its holdings in Target by 0.
4% during the 3rd quarter. Trust Co. of Vermont now owns 15,678 shares of the retailer’s stock valued at $2,444,000 after buying an additional 69 shares in the last quarter.
Institutional investors and hedge funds own 79.73% of the company’s stock. Target Company Profile ( Get Free Report ) Target Corporation operates as a general merchandise retailer in the United States.
The company offers apparel for women, men, boys, girls, toddlers, and infants and newborns, as well as jewelry, accessories, and shoes; and beauty and personal care, baby gear, cleaning, paper products, and pet supplies. Featured Stories Receive News & Ratings for Target Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Target and related companies with's FREE daily email newsletter .
Target (NYSE:TGT) Stock Price Up 0.3% – Here’s Why
Target Co. (NYSE:TGT – Get Free Report)’s stock price rose 0.3% on Tuesday . The stock traded as high as $132.39 and last traded at $132.38. Approximately 438,331 shares changed hands during trading, a decline of 90% from the average daily volume of 4,553,791 shares. The stock had previously closed at $131.92. Wall Street Analysts [...]