Tánaiste says by-elections to replace new MEPs won't be held and that February is 'ideal date' for election

Martins says February would be an ‘ideal date’ to hold the general election.


TÁNAISTE MICHEAL MARTIN has said his preference is for the government to go “full term”, indicating that the “ideal date” for the election is February. “Full term is February,” said Martin when asked specifically about the timing of an election, telling reporters this morning that we are “edging towards election time”. The comments come as Taoiseach Simon Harris has refused to state what month or year he wants the election to be held, other than stating the government will go “full term”.

There has been widespread speculation in political circles that the general election will be held in November, with many politicians having their posters at the ready. Martin said today that he has been “very clear” that his position is that “full term is February”. “I think there’s a lot of hot air going on now about the timing.

I mean, I think all of those people who are briefing all of you that it would be the 15th of November are now the same people briefing you that it would be Valentine’s Day,” he said. “But I’m not really too exercised by it. I think what people want us to do is get the budget done and I am conscious that we are at the eleventh hour of the government, so to speak,” said the Tánaiste.

Martin also said he didn’t think any by-elections will be held before the next general election. Four by-elections are due to be held for five seats. “Simply put, if you were to hold a by-election in December or in January with an immediate general election in the aftermath, and my understanding is that the legal advice would sustain that proposition that I am putting to you, so I don’t see any by- elections before the next general election,” he said.

It is understood the writ for the by-elections would have to be moved by 16 January, and therefore the latest day they could be held is 15 February. Martin said the immediate focus of the government is on the budget, stating “we have to be careful as a government that we govern as opposed to just electioneering”. “And that’s a balance all of us in government have to strive to achieve,” he added.
