Summer party at Gibraltar Nursing Home in Monmouth

A Monmouth care home held a summer party recently, kicking off proceedings with a Hatters Garden Party theme. -


Gibraltar Nursing Home prompted everyone, from residents, referred to affectionately as "family members," to outside visitors, to don their finest hats for the celebration. The home's manager, Verity, took charge of the BBQ, grilling up a feast enjoyed by all. Residents donned hats (Image: Gibraltar Nursing Home) The laughter and camaraderie permeated the care home, creating a joyous, communal atmosphere that lasted throughout the day as attendees savoured the flavoursome food and engaged in friendly chats.

As the afternoon wore on, the festivities expanded with a range of activities. Lawn games appeared to be an instant success, sparking many laughs as both children and elders demonstrated their playful sides. The crowd.

.. Elizabeth Birt.