Stuart McMillan MSP: Ferguson yard must become more efficient and competitive

Stuart McMillan MSP says a more efficient and competitive Ferguson Marine can provide a bright future for Inverclyde and its young people.


A million words and more have been written about the vessel and what has or hasn’t happened over the years. The vessel has been late and over budget but it is now in service and working. I thought it said something about the design and the workforce that despite the adverse weather on Monday, it was the only CalMac ferry to operate.

I want to thank the workforce at Ferguson Marine who stuck to the job, despite all the criticisms of the yard to get the Glen Sannox finished. I also want to thank the CalMac workforce for their expertise and dedication to learn about the vessel before its first official sailing with passengers on Monday. I now look towards the delivery of the Glen Rosa and the long-term future of the yard.

Fergusons are one of six yards through to the Invite To Tender (ITT) stage for a new contract to build seven small electric vessels for the CalMac fleet. The Scottish Government didn’t do a direct award due to legal concerns based on the UK Subsidy Control Act passed in Westminster after Brexit. It’s absolutely vital that the yard improves its internal processes and procedures, and becomes efficient and competitive.

These changes would give the yard the chance to win more commercial work as well as public sector contracts. That would provide a future and opportunities for more of our young people. The public support for the yard remains and that was evident at the launch of the Glen Rosa.
