Stonehaven drink-driver so drunk he was reported to police TWICE

Neighbours of Robert Lenfert, as well as staff at a branch of Kwik Fit, called the cops because they were concerned that he appeared drunk while driving.


A drink-driver who was caught while more than five-and-a-half times the alcohol limit was so drunk he was reported to the police TWICE. Both Robert Lenfert’s neighbours and staff at a branch of Kwik Fit called the emergency services because of concerns about his inebriated state. Police in Stonehaven quickly rushed to the Kwik Fit garage where they traced the 52-year-old, who provided the high reading.

Lenfert has now been handed a lengthy ban as well as unpaid work over the incident. Fiscal depute Brooklyn Shaw told Aberdeen Sheriff Court the incident began around noon on August 11. She said Lenfert knocked on a neighbour’s door and had a brief conversation with them, during which they noticed a smell of alcohol.

Lenfert’s “demeanour” also indicated he was under the influence of alcohol. Lenfert then left and the neighbour watched in horror as he walked towards his car, got in and drove off. Slurring his words They immediately phoned the police to report that he was driving while under the influence.

Meanwhile, Lenfert drove to Kwik Fit, where staff also had concerns about his presentation. Employees noticed he was slurring his speech and appeared drunk so also contacted the police. Officers attended and Lenfert returned a breath test which was positive for alcohol.

Lenfert, of Cameron Street, Stonehaven, pled guilty to driving with 125 microgrammes of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is just 22 microgrammes. Defence agent Michael Burnett said his client, a first-offender, had difficulties with alcohol and would benefit from ongoing assistance.

Sheriff Rhona Wark banned Lenfert from driving for 14 months and imposed 120 hours of unpaid work and an 18-month supervision order..