Tamil Nadu Higher Education Minister Govi Chezhiaan on Tuesday said the Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) has adequate administrative and infrastructure facilities to conduct the State Eligibility Test (SET) with the support of university professors. Also read: Centre ends ‘no-detention policy’ for Classes 5, 8 students; Tamil Nadu says won't scrap it Chezhiaan said the government has recently issued orders authorising the TRB to organise the SET. According to him, steps are being taken to conduct the examinations transparently, adhering to the norms established by the University Grant Commission (UGC).
Also read: UGC NET December 2024 exam city slip out for January 3 exam at ugcnet.nta.ac.
in, direct link here "It is pertinent to mention here as per the UGC, the examinations for National Eligibility Test by the National Testing Agency were also conducted," he said. The Minister emphasised that sufficient administrative and infrastructure facilities are available at the TRB to ensure the smooth conduct of the SET. He also highlighted the possibility of holding the SET online through the Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency.
Therefore, the SET examinations under the TRB would be conducted efficiently, he added. Also read: ‘Insensitivity’: Kanimozhi demands rescheduling of UGC-NET exam due to Pongal Cheziaan recalled that since the establishment of the Teachers Recruitment Board in 1987 it has recruited 1,68,657 teachers, lecturers and assistant professors through the conduct of the examinations. Besides, through the examinations conducted by the board about 120 scholars were shortlisted to avail the Chief Ministers Fellowship scheme, he noted.
State Eligibility Test would be conducted in TN: Minister Govi Chezhiaan
Chezhiaan said the government has recently issued orders authorising the TRB to organise the SET.