Zoho's Sridhar Vembu has denied plans to join politics in a social media post. He wrote humourously on X (formely known as Twitter): "I heard there is a "news" item going around about me joining politics. I burst out laughing when I heard this!" What Are Sridhar Vembu's Plans in Zoho? Laying out his plans for the year, Vembu added: “I have been preparing hard to present our R&D strategy on AI to an audience of industry analysts in Austin next week.
Yes I will be going there. I have an extremely challenging new role in deep tech R&D right now and there is just no way, NO WAY, I have any time for politics.” ‘Not Joining Politics’ Says Sridhar Vembu "On top of that, I have had ZERO discussions with anyone, about me joining politics.
I hope that clears that up. Back to work!" This comes amid speculation after Vembu announced that he was stepping down as Zoho CEO to take post as Chief Scientist instead. (This is a developing story, more updates coming.
Sridhar Vembu's plans on joining politics: ‘I burst out laughing!’
Sridhar Vembu's plans on joining politics: ‘I burst out laughing!’ denies talks with any political parties, says preparing hard on Zoho's R$D strategy.