Sreeleela, the multi-talented actress and dancer, is making waves in the industry with her highly anticipated Kollywood debut in Parasakthi. Known for her performances in Telugu cinema, Sreeleela is now set to showcase her skills in Tamil with this period action drama, directed by Sudha Kongara and starring Sivakarthikeyan. The title announcement teaser for Parasakthi was released recently, and it has already generated a lot of buzz.
Although Sreeleela appeared for only a brief moment in the teaser, her look as a wealthy, independent college girl caught the attention of fans and critics alike. Her character shares a close friendship with Atharva, a role portrayed by the talented actor, and the teaser suggests a dynamic, fresh character for the actress, stepping away from the usual roles she is known for. Sreeleela’s choice to take on this new and diverse role has garnered praise from fans, eager to see how the character will evolve in the final film.
With Sudha Kongara’s direction and Sreeleela’s performance, expectations are high for Parasakthi. The film also features Ravi Mohan, played by Jayam Ravi, in another significant role. Produced by Dawn Pictures, Parasakthi is expected to hit screens next year, and more updates are anticipated as production progresses.
Fans are eagerly awaiting more details about the movie, which promises to be an exciting new chapter in Sreeleela’s career..
Sreeleela shines in her Kollywood debut ‘Parasakthi’ teaser
Sreeleela, the multi-talented actress and dancer, is making waves in the industry with her highly anticipated Kollywood debut in Parasakthi