Dubai: Smartphone vendors are taking on more responsibility in how younger users are exposed to digital media content, with HMD’s latest launch targeted at first time users. The HMD Fusion X1 is part of the vendor’s new category of phones ‘designed with parents for a younger audience’. It comes with features that allow parents to have the controls while their children use it.
“We are investing in safer digital experiences,” said Sanmeet Singh Kochhar, Vice-President of HMD Global for the AMEA territory. “The launch of the HMD Fusion X1 is part of our vision to provide secure, responsible technology that empowers children while giving parents peace of mind.” Developed in collaboration with Xplora, a Norwegian company specializing in children's smartwatch technology, the Fusion X1 allows parents to choose social media and browser restriction, set up safe calls and messaging facility, and GPS tracking and safety zones.
The X1 was launched at the recent Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. (HMD has also brought out Nokia branded handsets.) HMD has been working with parents through ‘The Better Phone Project’.
Research found that the average age for a child’s first smartphone is 11 years, yet ‘54% of parents regret giving their child a smartphone too soon’..