Six hidden signs of cancer everyone needs to know - at every age

According to Myeloma UK the disease mainly hits older people but it can also be found in under-65s as well and it accounts for 15% of blood cancers and two percent of all cancers


Every year thousands of people find they have been living with a hidden cancer that often has no symptoms in the early stages. Around 24,000 people have myeloma, a type of blood cancer. According to Myeloma UK the disease mainly hits older people but it can also be found in under-65s as well.

The disease accounts for 15% of blood cancers and two percent of all cancers. After the early, often symptomless stages, the cancer can be painful and extremely tiring for sufferers and there is no known cure at present. However treatments exist to help.

Myeloma UK says: "Treatments for myeloma can be very effective at controlling the disease, reducing symptoms and improving quality of life. Unfortunately, however, myeloma is currently an incurable (terminal) cancer." The diseases is sometimes known as multiple myeloma because it can affect several parts of the body.

It is a form of blood cancer that develops from plasma cells made in the bone marrow. Every year in the UK 5,900 people are diagnosed with the cancer, Gloucestershire Live reports . There are no tell-tale lumps or bumps in the early stages which make it hard to catch and diagnose until it has progressed.

"Unlike many cancers, myeloma does not exist as a lump or tumour. Myeloma affects where bone marrow is normally active in an adult, such as in the bones of the spine, skull, pelvis, rib cage, long bones of the arms and legs and the areas around the shoulders and hips," Myeloma UK said. Every year in the UK 5,900 people are diagnosed with the cancer.

But the good news is that there are sings you can watch out for. According to Cancer Research UK some of the common symptoms are: bone pain - often in your back, hips, shoulders or ribs broken bones (fractures) tiredness (fatigue), shortness of breath and weakness - these are symptoms of low red blood cells (anaemia) pain, changes in sensation or weakness - these are symptoms of spinal cord compression lots of infections or infections that don't go away feeling thirsty, passing urine more frequently, confusion and drowsiness - these are all symptoms of high calcium levels in the blood It says: "Most of the symptoms and problems of myeloma are caused by abnormal plasma cells building up in the bone marrow. These cells make abnormal types of antibodies called paraproteins, which also causes problems.

" The charity explains what to watch for: Bone pain and damage This is a common sign often reported when people are diagnosed. People mostly describe the pain as dull or aching. It is often felt in the lower back or ribs.

It might feel like there is pain in your muscles too. Pain in the bones is caused by a lot of plasma cells collecting there. The large numbers of plasma cells damage the bones.

Occasionally, a bone breaks (fractures). Feeling tired due to anaemia Breathlessness and tiredness can happen because there are insufficient red blood cells - anaemia. This happens because there are abnormal plasma cells in your bone marrow.

The abnormal plasma cells damage the bones and crowd out the normal blood cells. Infections You might be more prone to infection, such as chest infections. Once you have an infection, it might take longer to get better.

This is because you do not have enough healthy white blood cells to fight the bacteria or viruses. Too much calcium in your blood When the bones are damaged, they release calcium into the bloodstream. Too much calcium in the blood is called hypercalcaemia.

This makes you feel very thirsty, sick and tired. You might also pass a lot of urine, as your body tries to get rid of the extra calcium. If hypercalcaemia is not treated and gets worse, it can make you drowsy and difficult to wake.

Spinal cord compression Spinal cord compression happens when pressure on the spinal cord stops the nerves from working normally. The symptoms depend on where the pressure is in the spinal cord. Pain is often the first symptom and more than nine out of 10 people (90%) with spinal cord compression have it.

The pain could be: anywhere in your back or neck or it may feel like a band around your body worse when you cough, sneeze or go to the toilet getting worse or doesn’t go away stopping you sleep or waking you up at night Other symptoms are: changes to sensations in your body, such as pins and needles or numbness weakness in your legs or arms not being able to open your bladder or bowels difficulty controlling your bladder or bowels erection problems Damage to your kidneys Abnormal plasma cells make a large amount of antibody protein (immunoglobulin). This can damage your kidneys as it passes through from the bloodstream to the urine. This leads to a number of different symptoms including: nausea loss of appetite and weight loss dehydration tiredness and lack of energy swollen ankles, feet and hands Bruising and bleeding Abnormal bruising and bleeding can happen because the large numbers of plasma cells in your bone marrow have stopped platelets from being made.

But this is quite rare in myeloma..