SILVER: Political newcomer prioritizing environment

Julie Sanders, candidate for Comal County Commissioner Precinct l, is appalled by the decision of the Comal County Commissioners Court on Aug. 22, 2024 to discontinue the county’s remote recycling program effective January 2025.


Julie Sanders, candidate for Comal County Commissioner Precinct l, is appalled by the decision of the Comal County Commissioners Court on Aug. 22, 2024 to discontinue the county’s remote recycling program effective January 2025. The vote was a 2–2 split, with the Precinct 1 commissioner voting to end the program.

The Comal County recycling program is a community icon that has been around since 1997. Before there was a recycling program, folks were burning brush and disposing of waste on their property or taking it to the landfill. The remote recycling program provides several centrally-located spots throughout the county where residents can deposit their recyclables.

Julie fears that, without the convenience of the recycling program, the landfill will have an overflow of banned items, illegal dumping will soar, and there will be an increase in garbage hoarding. Sanders, if elected, will fight to bring back a program that is so needed by the community. Another issue that Sanders feels passionate about is the Vulcan Quarry project, a 2.

4-square mile limestone quarry slated to go into a non-industrial area of Comal County, populated with over 12,000 residents. The 1,500-acre site is located between Bulverde and New Braunfels, near SH 46 and FM 3009. According to Stop 3009 Vulcan Quarry, the quarry permit application specifies that the plant will perform blasting, mining and crushing operations 24 hours a day, seven days as week.

This type of operation means that dust, noise and running machinery will be continuous. Seismic activity from quarry blasting will damage nearby wells, home foundations, swimming pools and local infrastructure as well as the unique underground karst formations characteristic of the Edwards Aquifer. The proposed Vulcan quarry threatens an already-strained Comal County water supply with over-pumping, blasting, disruption of natural stream flows, and contamination from hazardous chemical spills and leaks.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality approved the Water Abatement Plan for Vulcan Comal Quarry on July 8, 2024. Sanders is concerned about the Vulcan’s long-term impact on water quality and quantity, and that the quarry would put resident’s health at risk, and lead to significant decreases in property values. While final decisions about of the Vulcan Quarry lie with the courts, Sanders, along with several groups and organizations, will fight to protect families, property and the natural resources of our beautiful Texas Hill Country.

Sanders has a variety of valuable experience that she can bring to the position of county commissioner. She has worked as a property manager for a HUD subsidiary, an insurance agent, an account executive, and her current position is that of compliance specialist. Her vision for Precinct 1 is to bring the community together and find common ground on issues that affect everyone.

She believes every person should have a voice and be able to express concerns. Although Sanders is new to politics, she has the compassion needed to bring people together to advance quality of life and deliver for the families of Comal County. Sanders’ driving force is her energetic and vibrant young son, Holden.

Her goal is to ensure the safety and quality of life for him and for all children in Comal County. Sanders says “I pledge to fight for what is right, and I want to work with everyone. The working class are my people and I’ve always been a champion of the underdog.

I am not afraid to get my hands dirty and will always be available to help when needed. I don’t see the position of county commissioner as an 8-to-5 job, and I will be the first to lend a helping hand no matter the time of day. My unwavering love for volunteering never ceases.

I have heart, integrity, accountability and I am not afraid to speak up when things aren’t right. I am not a politician, I’m just your average citizen who wants better for our children and our community, and starting at the county level matters!” Sanders reminds everyone that Oct. 7 is the last day to register to vote, early voting starts Oct.

21, and election day is Nov. 5..