SIG, stakeholders review draft NEP

THE Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour and Immigration (MCILI) has completed the “Solomon Islands National Employment Policy (NEP) Draft Validation Workshop” at the Heritage Park Hotel last week. The NEP SI draft is a strategic framework designed to shape the future of the labour market in Solomon Islands, including the provision of opportunities for all...


THE Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour and Immigration (MCILI) has completed the “Solomon Islands National Employment Policy (NEP) Draft Validation Workshop” at the Heritage Park Hotel last week.The NEP SI draft is a strategic framework designed to shape the future of the labour market in Solomon Islands, including the provision of opportunities for all Solomon Islanders. In his remarks, MCILI Minister Harry Kuma acknowledged all those who have contributed to the development of the NEP Draft, including the Solomon Islands Government, Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI), Solomon Islands Council of Trade Unions (SICTU), private sector representatives, civil society organisations and stakeholders.

He said the NEP Draft represents a collective vision for a more dynamic and resilient labour market. “It is a policy that recognises employment not just as a means of economic survival, but as a foundation for social stability, poverty reduction and inclusive growth. “With this policy draft, we are reaffirming our government’s commitment to creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive and for our people to access decent and productive employment,” Minister Kuma said.

“The success of this policy draft depends on all of us. The government alone cannot achieve these goals – we need strong partnerships with businesses, educational institutions, development agencies and civil society,” he added. Minister Kuma encouraged everyone working on the NEP to actively participate in the validation process, provide constructive feedback and support initiatives that drive employment creation and workforce development.

“As we move forward, let us remain committed to building a labour market that is fair, inclusive and prosperous for all. “The Validation Workshop for the National Employment Policy Draft is not just a consultation process, it is a crucial step forward ensuring that our employment strategies reflect the needs and aspirations of our people,” Minister Kuma said. International Employment Organisation (ILO) Employment Specialist for Pacific, Christian Viegelahn said the NEP draft is very important since employment is a cross-cutting issue and a central part in many lives.

He added that unemployment can negatively impact lives, therefore, the NEP draft is a key to creating decent employment opportunities for all. Participants in the workshop included representatives of employers, workers, public and private sectors and non-government organisations.The two-day workshop saw active contributions by participants to discussions on the Solomon Islands National Employment Policy Draft Policy.

The NEP SI is one of the National Government’s priorities that will contribute to the review of the Labour Act and MCILI is looking forward for the finalisation of the draft policy.By AGNES MENANOPO Solomon Star, Honiara.