'She changed my life': George Lopez on Sandra Bullock


American comedian and actor George Lopez credited Sandra Bullock for his success, said The Hollywood Reporter . The stand-up comedian spoke about her impact on his life on a recent episode of Politickin' with Gavin Newsom, Marshawn Lynch, and Doug Hendrickson podcast. He recalled the tough phase of his life in the 1990s, saying, "I was in Austin and Sandra Bullock lived in Austin and Dave Chappelle had been there the week before.

And the manager of the club comes to me and says, 'I think Sandra Bullock's gonna come in. She called, she going to come in,'" said Lopez. "I was like, man, I don't want her to see me like this.

You know, I didn't even know her. I got on my knees in that green room, and I said. 'Please, please don't let her'," he added.

The comedian said he "wished for her not to come," and later Bullock was unable to attend his concert that night. However, a year and a half later, they met each other again when Bullock was working on a Latino TV show and invited Lopez. "I'd already kind of cleaned up a little bit, and then she saw me, and she's like, 'Come to my office,'" he said.
