Senate Fails to Advance IVF Bill for Second Time

The Senate on Sept. 17 failed to advance for the second time a bill that would create the federal right to access in-vitro fertilization (IVF).


The Senate on Sept. 17 failed to advance for the second time a bill that would create the federal right to access in-vitro fertilization (IVF). The upper congressional chamber failed to clear the 60-vote threshold to overcome a filibuster as the vote to invoke cloture on the bill was 51–44.

In June, Republicans blocked the bill, 48–47, thereby preventing it from clearing that threshold. The bill would also require that public and private insurance cover IVF treatments. It would also expand IVF access for military members and veterans.

President Joe Biden criticized the GOP for blocking the bill. “There’s perhaps no more personal a decision one can make than the decision of whether or not to start a family,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.

) on the Senate floor ahead of the Sept. 17 vote. “For many people, starting a family is the greatest joy there is.

It makes everything else secondary,” he continued. Schumer noted that having children can be difficult for “millions of people” and that IVF can help overcome that hurdle..

In a June 12 statement, 49 Republicans wrote, “In vitro fertilization is legal and available in every state across our nation. We strongly support continued nationwide access to IVF, which has allowed millions of aspiring parents to start and grow their families.” IVF has been an issue since the Alabama Supreme Court ruled in February that a fertilized egg is a human life.
