Scrap tyre firm step closer to expanding site despite objections from residents

A scrap tyre firm has taken a step closer to expanding its facilities - despite objections from neighbours.


A scrap tyre firm has taken a step closer to expanding its facilities - despite objections from neighbours. Envirotyre’s proposal to erect a storage building, plus create a new access location and parking areas, by their Sutterton base received outline planning permission in December. Now Boston Borough Council has given the thumbs up to the reserved matters, including access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale.

The business – which specialises in scrap tyre collection and disposal from numerous vehicles and trailers – processes up to 10,400 tonnes of waste each year. It wants to incorporate the 0.95 hectare site, which sits on the opposite side of Spalding Road to its current base, into its operations.

“The site is a small field located outside the village of Sutterton, close to the A17,” the council planning report states. “The site is a triangular piece of grassland, wider to the north, with a vehicular access and a small area of hardstanding towards the south of the site. “The site’s last lawful use is agricultural but there has been some intermittent storage of vehicles in connection with the Envirotyre site.

” The building would have an internal floor area of 2,672m2. “The proposal includes tree planting along the boundary with Spalding Road with a group of trees in the north east corner by the existing dwelling and at the southern most point of the site, it also includes a new hedgerow along the northern boundary and along Spalding Road,” the report added. Concerns were raised by Sutterton Parish Council.

“We are aware residents in the area already experience flooding issues,” their objection stated. “(The) building has been designed to the maximum measurements and landscaping will take years to develop enough to mask the building. “It is not clear what materials will be stored in the building and (there are) concerns about fire hazards.

” Objections and comments raised from nearby residents included: surface water running off a building of this size, no transparency about materials to be stored on site, the size and scale of the building, HGVs travelling through the village, access on a dangerous bend, noise and increased traffic. The Envirotyre planning statement said: “As the proposal is for much needed indoor and outdoor storage for Envirotyre, it is not appropriate to look for existing buildings and previously developed site elsewhere,” the planning statement read. “Also, given the significant investment in the existing site and very specific requirements for the various licenses and permits already in place, it would not be practical or viable to create a second site elsewhere.
