Saudi Arabia, UAE and other gulf nations condemn Israel strikes on Iran

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Saturday, October 26, condemned Israel’s military targeting of Iran, which is a violation of its sovereignty and of international ...


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Saturday, October 26, condemned Israel’s military targeting of Iran, which is a violation of its sovereignty and of international laws and norms. In a statement, the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that, “The Kingdom reaffirms its steadfast (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).

push({}); stance against continued regional escalation and the expansion of conflicts that endanger the security and stability of countries and people in the region.” Saudi Arabia urges all parties to exercise maximum restraint and work to de-escalate tensions, warning of the consequences of ongoing military conflicts in the region..