"There is so much righteous, unmet need in the community and so little funding," said county Human Services Department Director Randy Morris whose team oversaw the process. "Very difficult for the (community-based organizations) who have lots of arguments to make (about) what their services do; for you (the board) to make the final decision; and for us, staff, to try to thread the needle of running a procurement when there's not enough money.".
Santa Cruz County supervisors approve latest CORE funding cycle amid community uproar
"There is so much righteous, unmet need in the community and so little funding," said county Human Services Department Director Randy Morris whose team oversaw the process. "Very difficult for the (community-based organizations) who have lots of arguments to make (about) what their services do; for you (the board) to make the final decision; and for us, staff, to try to thread the needle of running a procurement when there's not enough money."