San Diego Minimum Wage Set to Increase on Jan. 1

San Diego plans to raise the minimum wage next year under the terms of the city's 2016 Minimum Wage Ordinance.


San Diego plans to raise the minimum wage by 40 cents next year, according to a city news release. Effective Jan 1, employees who perform at least two hours of work in one or more calendar weeks of the year within the geographic boundaries of the city will see the minimum wage increase from $16.85 to $17.

25 an hour. This is higher than the state minimum wage, which will moves up to to $16.50 on Jan.

1. The Minimum Wage Ordinance , which took effect in 2016, applies to all businesses with no exceptions. Tips and gratuities do not count towards the minimum wage.

We have launched our year-end campaign. Our goal: Raise $50,000 by Dec. 31.

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Join the growing list of donors investing in our community's long-term future. The first increase raised the minimum wage to $10.50 in July 2016.

The last bump, nearly a year ago, saw the wage move from $16.30 to $16.85.

The city adjusts the wage based on the Consumer Price Index . Employees can contact the city’s Minimum Wage Program at [email protected] or 619-235-5912 with any questions or to file a complaint.

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