In the latest development surrounding the attack on Saif Ali Khan, Bandra police have confirmed that Bangladeshi national Sharfiful Islam Shehzad Fakir is the intruder who stabbed the Bollywood star. To Read Lifestyle Stories in Urdu – Click Here In a major development around Saif Ali Khan’s stabbing incident, where the actor was attacked with a knife by a home intruder earlier this month, Mumbai police officials have confirmed that the arrested accused Shariful Islam – a Bangladeshi national – is the one who broke into the actor’s 11th-floor duplex residence of a Bandra building with an intention of theft and stabbed him following an altercation, revealed the Facial Recognition Test (FRT) report. “The report is positive; however, we cannot share more details about it at present,” said a police official about an FRT report, based on 25 clear images of the intruder’s face, identified from approximately 300 CCTV recordings, which were collected from cameras around the Satguru Sharan building in Bandra, where Khan resides with his family.
For the unversed, the incident occurred in the early hours of January 16, when Shariful Islam broke into Khan’s apartment in a burglary attempt and was detected by a nurse, attending to his younger son Jehangir. As he intervened in the confrontation, the intruder stabbed Khan six times, causing injuries around his neck and spine. Khan was rushed to the Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai and underwent multiple surgeries, before being discharged after five days.
After a two-day hunt for the attacker, Mumbai police arrested Shariful Islam, 30, from Thane. The accused’s father has denied the allegations and claimed that his son is being framed in the matter. Also Read: Saif Ali Khan’s sister responds to doubts over actor’s ‘quick recovery’.
Saif Ali Khan knife attack: Forensic report confirms intruder’s identity
In the latest development surrounding the attack on Saif Ali Khan, Bandra police have confirmed that Bangladeshi national Sharfiful Islam Shehzad Fakir is the intruder who stabbed the Bollywood star. To Read Lifestyle Stories in Urdu – Click Here In a major development around Saif Ali Khan’s stabbing incident, where the actor was attacked with [...]