Bollywood couple Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan have taken additional security measures at their residence following a recent security breach that left the actor injured. The couple has also urged the paparazzi to refrain from clicking pictures of their children, Taimur and Jeh, citing safety concerns. Weeks after Saif was reportedly stabbed in his Bandra home by an intruder who entered via the stairs, the family has reinforced their apartment’s security.
Videos from the building suggest that they have installed extra fencing around their balcony to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, Mumbai Police has provided Saif with increased security in light of the incident. Here is the video: The couple has also appealed to photographers not to assemble outside their home, expressing concern that constant media attention could inadvertently aid those tracking their movements.
Kareena and Saif’s request reflects growing concerns among celebrities about the lack of privacy and security in their personal lives. Following these developments, social media users expressed empathy for the couple, acknowledging the trauma of feeling unsafe in one’s own home. “This is just sad.
.. I don’t think people realize the terror one feels when they discover they are not safe in their own home,” wrote one user.
Another comment highlighted how paparazzi and random individuals often stand outside their home 24/7, adding to their vulnerability. Saif and Kareena have been among the most photographed celebrity couples in Bollywood, with their children often being a focal point of media attention. While the paparazzi culture in Mumbai is well-established, their latest plea underscores the challenges of balancing public life with personal safety.
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Saif Ali Khan And Kareena Kapoor Fence Balcony, Urge Paparazzi To Respect Their Privacy
The couple has fenced their balcony and urged paparazzi to stop clicking their children, Taimur and Jeh, citing safety concerns.