Rotorua sewerage pipeline work halted amid protester concerns over sacred sites

Council says it needs more direct discussion with iwi and mana whenua.


Rotorua Lakes Council has halted work on a sewerage pipeline under Tarawera Rd to allow more direct discussions with iwi and mana whenua amid concerns from protesters about sacred sites at Lake Rotokākahi. The work, which is 90%, is now paused after 100 people attended a hīkoi to wāhi tapu (sacred) Lake Rotokākahi on Monday in a stand against the pipeline route. Those opposing the work have remained camped at the site this week.

The opposers say they believe the $29 million Tarawera sewerage scheme pipes being laid parallel to a section of the lake could risk environmental damage in a culturally significant area. Tūpuna (ancestors) were buried nearby during the 1886 Mount Tarawera eruption. In a statement released late on Friday the council said it understood there was concern arising from insufficient information and it would be beneficial to provide the time and space to address the concerns.

To allow that to happen, work on the pipe installation along Tarawera Rd (opposite Lake Rotokākahi) was being paused while there were further direct discussions, the statement said..