Rocket Companies (NYSE:RKT) Shares Down 3.3% – Here’s Why

Rocket Companies, Inc. (NYSE:RKT – Get Free Report)’s share price dropped 3.3% during mid-day trading on Tuesday . The company traded as low as $10.96 and last traded at $10.98. Approximately 1,291,716 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 56% from the average daily volume of 2,929,626 shares. The stock had previously closed [...]


Rocket Companies, Inc. ( NYSE:RKT – Get Free Report )’s share price dropped 3.3% during mid-day trading on Tuesday .

The company traded as low as $10.96 and last traded at $10.98.

Approximately 1,291,716 shares traded hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 56% from the average daily volume of 2,929,626 shares. The stock had previously closed at $11.35.

Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth RKT has been the subject of several recent analyst reports. Piper Sandler cut their price target on shares of Rocket Companies from $17.00 to $16.

00 and set a “neutral” rating for the company in a report on Thursday, November 14th. Royal Bank of Canada decreased their price target on shares of Rocket Companies from $20.00 to $18.

00 and set a “sector perform” rating on the stock in a research note on Wednesday, November 13th. Keefe, Bruyette & Woods reaffirmed an “underperform” rating and set a $11.50 target price (down previously from $16.

00) on shares of Rocket Companies in a research note on Tuesday, December 10th. Barclays dropped their price target on Rocket Companies from $14.00 to $13.

00 and set an “underweight” rating for the company in a research report on Wednesday, November 13th. Finally, Morgan Stanley reduced their price objective on Rocket Companies from $16.00 to $13.

00 and set an “equal weight” rating on the stock in a research report on Thursday, December 19th. Six research analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating and six have issued a hold rating to the company’s stock. According to data from MarketBeat, Rocket Companies presently has a consensus rating of “Hold” and an average price target of $13.

92. View Our Latest Stock Report on RKT Rocket Companies Trading Down 2.1 % Rocket Companies ( NYSE:RKT – Get Free Report ) last announced its earnings results on Tuesday, November 12th.

The company reported $0.08 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, meeting analysts’ consensus estimates of $0.08.

Rocket Companies had a positive return on equity of 2.86% and a negative net margin of 0.38%.

The company had revenue of $647.00 million for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $1.25 billion.

During the same quarter in the previous year, the company earned ($0.01) earnings per share. The firm’s quarterly revenue was down 46.

2% compared to the same quarter last year. Equities analysts forecast that Rocket Companies, Inc. will post 0.

16 earnings per share for the current year. Hedge Funds Weigh In On Rocket Companies Several institutional investors have recently bought and sold shares of the company. Capital Performance Advisors LLP purchased a new position in shares of Rocket Companies in the third quarter valued at approximately $39,000.

Quarry LP boosted its position in Rocket Companies by 858.8% in the 2nd quarter. Quarry LP now owns 4,353 shares of the company’s stock valued at $60,000 after buying an additional 3,899 shares during the period.

V Square Quantitative Management LLC purchased a new position in Rocket Companies in the 3rd quarter valued at approximately $120,000. Blue Trust Inc. grew its stake in shares of Rocket Companies by 54.

1% in the third quarter. Blue Trust Inc. now owns 6,438 shares of the company’s stock worth $124,000 after acquiring an additional 2,261 shares in the last quarter.

Finally, International Assets Investment Management LLC increased its position in shares of Rocket Companies by 3,429.7% during the third quarter. International Assets Investment Management LLC now owns 7,377 shares of the company’s stock worth $142,000 after acquiring an additional 7,168 shares during the period.

4.59% of the stock is owned by institutional investors and hedge funds. About Rocket Companies ( Get Free Report ) Rocket Companies, Inc, a fintech holding company, provides mortgage lending, title and settlement services, and other financial technology services in the United States and Canada.

It operates through two segments, Direct to Consumer and Partner Network. The company’s solutions include Rocket Mortgage, a mortgage lender; Amrock that provides title insurance, property valuation, and settlement services; Rocket Homes, a home search platform and real estate agent referral network, which offers technology-enabled services to support the home buying and selling experience; and Rocket Loans, an online-based personal loans business. Featured Articles Receive News & Ratings for Rocket Companies Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Rocket Companies and related companies with MarketBeat.

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