Rising costs force young New Zealanders to rethink dating and romance

CAB reports a 3.6% rise in young people seeking financial help amid increasing hardships.


The cost of living is putting pressure on young people. How might it be affecting their approach to romance? A bouquet of flowers at a reasonably priced dairy will set you back about $10. That’s about the cost of two big bottles of milk.

Two Friday night movie tickets, a bucket of popcorn excluded, come to $51. Paying the same for gas will fill your tank with about 20 litres. A nice pour from a local wine bar could be anywhere from $12 to $20 – which could stretch to top-up transport cards to a number of daily commutes.

For some New Zealanders, comparing the prices for emblems of romance to the essentials will take the possibility of ‘date night’ off the table. Over the last few years, the harsh effects of rising costs for our essentials have been well documented – we frequently see stories about the way inflation and inequality are affecting access to fruit and vegetables , butter, electricity and feasible living conditions , especially for those most vulnerable . Then there’s the added impact of how these rising costs affect our social lives, and, in turn, the industries that exist to host them – think hospitality businesses and local retail.
