Rick Windham: Last minute reminders before deer season

Opening day of the Nebraska firearms deer season is rapidly approaching.


Opening day of the Nebraska firearms deer season is rapidly approaching. The season begins Nov. 16, which is less than a month away.

You’ve had a bunch a stuff to think about to get ready, but the suggestions that follow are things I’ve seen happen again and again over the last 25 to 30 years of hunting. It is quite frustrating to get to hunting camp and realize you forgot to bring a piece of essential gear. It sounds a bit ridiculous but find your hunting knives and sharpen them! I say knives because you need both a utilitarian knife and your field dressing knife at minimum.

If you butcher your own meat, add your skinning knife and butchering gear when your deer is down. Once you determine what you need to have with you, make sure all cutting edges are sharp! Knives are a personal thing, and you must find a knife that fits your hand and know how to use it. I can often look at someone in camp and tell what type of hunter they are by the knife they carry.

The guy that shows up in camp with a modest-sized fixed blade hunting knife and a separate gear bag with his skinning and butchering gear is probably not the guy who will have any problems. The guy who shows up in camp with a 12-inch, sawback, Rambo survival knife is the one I keep my eye on — and probably provide some first aid to before the trip is over! There are other small items that are often overlooked when preparing for your hunt. Items like gloves, face mask, haul line, bug repellent, flashlight and something to start a fire with.

I hear that it happens quite often, but many hunters are in a frenzy opening morning of deer season scrambling for gear and wishing they had remembered everything they needed weeks before. There is an easy way to have all that you need ready to go. I have a gear bag for each type of hunting I do and want I need is in the bag.

I have deer hunting bags, duck hunting bags, upland game hunting bags, etc. Yes, I have some duplicates of gear and it costs a little more for a system like this, but I have what I need when I get to camp. I just replace what I use each year and I’m always ready.

One oddball item I carry is bug spray — Wasp Stopper, to be specific. If you have a blind or stand that is reasonably weather tight and stays up all year, various bugs can move in when you are not using it. I began doing this after watching a hunting buddy jump from a 12-foot high hunting blind platform, hit the ground, do a summersault and come up running in a full sprint.

You don’t often see a 57-year-old man do something like this. I learned later that he discovered a large colony of yellow jackets had taken up residence in his hunting blind. They swarmed him and jumping was the best option he had at the time.

That day’s hunt was blown, and we went back to the nearest co-op and bought a couple bug bombs. It looked like the Marines attacking an enemy position that next day when he stealthily climbed the ladder, lit the fuse on the bug bombs and opened the door just enough to toss in the bombs. In a few seconds, smoke bellowed from every opening in the blind.

It may seem extreme, but he killed the yellow jackets! Speaking of blinds: An extra step you can take with ground blinds is to cut some branches and place them against and on top of your blind to break up its shape and add a bit more natural camouflage. It can really make a difference. Opening day will be here before you know it.

Make sure you have all your gear with you and ready. Good luck on your deer hunting this season! I know you have probably seen a Winchester Signal Cannon. They are pretty cool and always draw a lot of attention at gun shows or wherever they are on display up.

They fired a shotgun shell and were used to do things like start events or signal when dinner was read. I’ve always wanted one but they have been out of production for many years. However, Winchester recently announced that Dunlap Cannon Company will make a limited production run of 250 Winchester Model 98 signal cannons, and they will be available yet in 2024.

This cannon debuted in 1903 by Winchester Repeating Arms Company, the Winchester signal cannon is a breech-loading cannon that fires 10-gauge shotshell blanks. With its blued steel barrel and cast-iron carriage, these cannons became fixtures at celebrations and maritime events across the nation. “With over 120 years of tradition, these signal canons have become icons of American craftsmanship and the legendary Winchester brand,” said Jason Gilbertson, director of marketing for Winchester Ammunition.

“We are excited about Dunlap Cannon Company’s introduction of what we expect to be a very successful licensed product.” The Winchester Model 98 signal cannon will be exclusively produced and sold by Dunlap Cannon Company and is made entirely in the United States. You can find one at winchestersignalcannon.

com . They will not be inexpensive! The expected retail price will be $3,500. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will accept lottery applications for mountain lion permits Nov.

4 to Dec. 11 for the 2025 hunting season. Permits are available only to Nebraska residents.

The bag limit for each permit is one mountain lion of either sex. Applications will be accepted from 1 p.m.

Central Time Nov. 4 to 5 p.m.

(11:59 p.m. if applying online) Dec.

11. Visit gooutdoorsne.com to apply online.

Go to outdoornebraska.gov and search “Hunting Applications.” A $15 nonrefundable application fee must be submitted with each application.

Hunting will take place in three units: Pine Ridge Unit, Niobrara Unit and Wildcat Hills Unit. The Wildcat Hills Unit, created earlier in the year, encompasses parts of Scotts Bluff, Morrill, Cheyenne, Garden, Kimball and Banner counties. The Wildcat Hills Unit has the same boundaries as elk management unit Number 4.

The eastern boundary of the Niobrara Unit also has been expanded to U.S. Highway 281.

To read more mountain lion hunting regulations, go to outdoornebraska.gov . Rick Windham Get local news delivered to your inbox!.