Rhetoric adds power to gunfire aimed at Donald Trump

“It is despicable that Donald Trump is still speaking of “never surrendering,” as if he is in a war or a physical fight to the finish,” a Star reader writes.


, We can be thankful that few are drawing any theological conclusions from the recent attempt on Donald Trump’s life. Because the July attempt came within millimetres of killing him, some people have attributed his survival to divine intervention rather than luck or chance. This leads to the conclusion that God sees a special role for him.

Trump has not discouraged this belief. We should also be thankful that both would-be assassins were white men who were born in the U.S.

An awful rhetoric would likely result if suspects were people of colour or immigrants. How did the suspect and would-be assassin know that former president Donald Trump was going to be on the golf course at a specific time? Did he obtain access to Trump’s personal schedule? Many questions need to be answered. Let us hope that officials will be more transparent than they were about the Butler, Penn.

, assassination attempt. But in the meantime, after two assassination attempts, it’s apparent that Trump needs tighter security to avoid future incidents. Once again by the grace of God, Trump’s life was spared.

I can’t help believing that God has a greater plan for our former president and that is becoming the 47th president of the United States. It is despicable that Donald Trump is still speaking of “never surrendering,” as if he is in a war or a physical fight to the finish. Then there is the abrasive, inflammatory talk as he tells his supporters to not give in, as if Democrats are the enemy out to destroy the nation and not simply just political opposition.

Adding to this, he makes dangerous overstatements. His own public wording is the cause of the combative tone and the deleterious thinking of others who read off him. He should be thinking about being really lucky to still be alive — nothing less, nothing more.

Once more in a tight race for a return to office, is Trump not an asset in theory, one that should be better protected, rather than having us all worried that we may see a terrible horror play out that we do not wish to experience? Memories of him are bad enough! There have been two attempts on Donald Trump’s life this summer, both involving gunfire. I have yet to hear anything from the Republican party about limiting guns. A common closing comment for politicians offering reaction is “this is not who we are.

” It is unfortunate that statement could not be farther from the truth. The U.S.

has more guns than citizens. Mass shootings occur at an alarming rate. Politicians mouth a huge lie when they say this is not who they are.

Wake up! Is it still safe enough for presidential candidates, or even candidates for prime minister, to campaign, in person, at outdoor political events? Among the big issues which Justin Trudeau should press for is the need for UK- and Australia-style gun control. The Liberal plan to ban a variety of rapid-fire rifles was too ambitious for the NDP, who feared the potential loss of northern votes and scuttled the initiative. Canadians who see gun control as more of an American issue aren’t aware of gun proliferation here in Canada.

This past Friday afternoon, I drove past Oakwood Collegiate Institute and saw no less than eight police SUVs with their lights flashing. I immediately suspected a gun crime. There were no victims in this case, but police confirmed there had been an altercation with shots fired out of a car.

Not long ago, a man in London, Ont., threw gravel at our prime minister. Let’s make sure the next expression of rage at a political figure isn’t much worse.

, We learned in the LaSalle—Émard—Verdun byelection that even Quebec, a province with such strong ties to the Trudeau family, doesn’t want anything to do with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. When Montreal and Quebec turn their backs on you, what more evidence do you need that everyone in Canada wants Trudeau gone and he should immediately resign? With Liberal fortresses in Toronto, Montreal and Winnipeg distancing from the party, it looks like it is three strikes and you’re out for the Liberal Party of Canada. The byelection that occurred months ago in Ontario should have been the sign for Justin Trudeau to resign.

The Quebec byelection this week should be the last straw and awaken the backbench MPs into rebellion to save their party from falling further behind. The party is now staring at a certain defeat with Trudeau on top. The prime minister is taking his party on a backward track to the wilderness.

He should do the party and Canadians a favour and resign. , I think we sometimes forget that we have laws that should be abided by and respected by all, yet when it comes to our prime minister, it seems he is not protected from bullies and harassers. We need to be reminded that a bully is someone who aggressively abuses and intimidates another in a repeated and habitual manner.

We have all seen the hateful signs, flags and other paraphernalia directed personally toward Justin Trudeau, without any repercussions for these bullies. They are not voicing a political agenda, nor a social concern. They have only one intent — to bully, to intimidate and to harass a fellow Canadian citizen.

That two-dozen people are allowed to continue this very same bullying and harassing behaviour outside a person’s workplace (the West Block), hiding behind the freedom of speech laws, is a travesty. This is not who we are..