Residents of seaside town plagued by burst sewage pipe

A sewage pipe which burst and left Shoreham residents complaining about the smell was mentioned by an MP in parliament.


An incident which saw a sewage pipe burst and left residents in a seaside town complaining about the smell has been brought to the attention of Parliament. A main sewer burst off Ravens Road and Southdown Road in Shoreham on September 9. The Argus understands that it burst due to being under pressure from pumps transporting wastewater to the Southern Water treatment works.

There was major disruption in the area as tankers and equipment arrived to fix the burst pipe. There was major disruption in the area as tankers and equipment arrived to fix the burst pipe (Image: Eddie Mitchell) A section of Ravens Road has been closed off as works commenced on September 10. They are due to continue until September 23.

A Southern Water spokesman said: "We're pleased to say repairs have been completed to the burst sewer in Shoreham and our teams are currently backfilling the hole with complete reinstatement scheduled for Monday. “We apologise for the disruption and inconvenience caused by our tankers and equipment while we made this emergency repair." Labour MP Tom Rutland brought the incident to the attention of the chamber at the House of Commons on Thursday (Image: UK Parliament) Labour MP Tom Rutland for East Worthing and Shoreham had brought the incident to the attention of the chamber at the House of Commons on Thursday.

MP Tom said: ”Our creaking water infrastructure is rarely out of the news, and just this week my constituents in Shoreham had to endure burst sewage pipes. Thanks to years of under-investment by our water companies, record amounts of sewage are being pumped into our rivers and seas. Will the Government make time for this important issue to be discussed?” The leader of the House of Commons, MP Lucy Powell, said in response: “The state of our waterways in this country is shocking, as is the decriminalised way in which our water companies have been run over many years.

“That is why the Government have taken quick action to clamp down on the water companies. Just last week, we introduced the Water (Special Measures) Bill, which will eventually find its way to the House. My hon.

Friend might want to take part in its Second Reading when it comes.”.