Report Irregularities in TV3 Executives' Salaries to Anti-Fraud

The complainant requests that the 'Corpo' and the Generalitat provide all the documentation related to these salaries


The Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia has received a complaint questioning the legality of the astronomical salaries of the executives of CCMA, which manages TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio. The complaint is related to the salaries of the years 2021 and 2022, something that the Audit Office has also pointed out in a recent report. This report reveals - among other things - that these salaries exceeded the salary of the Generalitat's councilors, which violates current regulations.

The complainant, an anonymous citizen, requests Anti-Fraud to investigate whether these salaries constitute an "accounting infraction," as explained by The Objective, which has had access to the complaint. Additionally, it is requested that it be examined whether these payments could have been made with the deliberate intention of embezzling public funds. In case any irregularity is confirmed, it is also urged to investigate a possible crime of "administrative prevarication" and "fraud of the Administration.

"The complaint requests that CCMA and Generalitat provide all documentation related to these salaries. Likewise, it is requested that the contracts, agreements, and authorizations that support these payments to the executives be presented. This way, the legality of the salaries is sought to be clarified, and if any irregularity is confirmed, a public action is initiated before the courts.

TV3's Director, Sigrid Gras | Europa PressThe Anti-Fraud ProcedureThe Anti-Fraud Office now has ten business days to decide whether to accept the complaint or refer it to another competent body. If it is considered that there are indications of irregularities, a preliminary investigation will be initiated, which could last several months. If solid indications of corruption or irregularities are determined, the process may be extended even further until it reaches the courts.

Depending on whether the offender is a natural or legal person, the potential sanctions range quite widely. For a natural person, it can range from 1,001 euros to 300,000. In the case of legal entities, the margin is much greater, ranging from 100,000 euros to one million euros.

A Millionaire Television with Many Gray AreasApart from the remuneration of the executives, the Audit Office's report also pointed out other problematic aspects of TV3's management. For example, the report noted a lack of transparency in the bases for selecting executives or significant shortcomings in internal management. Even non-compliance with the working hours of the employees was pointed out.

The Audit Office also mentions the salary supplements of some executives, which exceed the legally established limit. These additional payments, related to commercial objectives, exceeded the 25% allowed by law. The Audit Office has pointed out that these supplements were one of the main irregularities found in the management of CCMA.

To all this is added that the workers of the Corpo have repeatedly denounced the outsourcing process to friendly production companies. Meanwhile, as revealed by Octuvre last week, Ricard Ustrell's production company has been showered with 27 million euros.Finally, the financial situation of TV3 must be contextualized.

The Catalan public television is, by far, the best-funded regional television in Spain. In fact, in the previous legislature, the Aragonès government launched a financing plan of 1.347 billion euros until 2027.
