Report: FBI failing on child sex abuse

WASHINGTON — The FBI failed to report some child sexual abuse allegations to local law enforcement or social service agencies despite changes prompted by its handling of the case against former USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar, according to a...


In a review brought on by the FBI's failures to promptly investigate Nassar, the inspector general's report raises concerns about other cases falling through the cracks. "This report makes clear that the FBI is simply not doing its job when it comes to protecting our children from the monsters among us who stalk them," said John Manly, a lawyer who represents victims of Nassar. IMMIGRATION: U.

S. District Judge J. Campbell Barker of Texas paused a Biden administration policy Monday that would give spouses of U.

S. citizens legal status without having to first leave the country. STUDENT LOANS: The Supreme Court on Wednesday continued to pause the latest multibillion-dollar plan from the Biden administration that would have lowered student loan payments for millions of borrowers while lawsuits make their way through lower courts.

GROCERY MERGER: Supermarket chain Albertsons told a federal judge Monday it might have to lay off workers, close stores and even exit some markets if its planned merger with Kroger isn't allowed to proceed. The Federal Trade Commission sued to prevent the deal, which would be the largest supermarket merger in U.S.

history. — Associated Press.