Remove weeds from patios in 1 day ‘permanently’ with 1 kitchen item gardener loves to use

A gardening expert has shared their top tips for removing weeds from the garden and patio - and the best part is, it doesn't involve using any chemicals.


Weeds are annoying plants that always seem to make a comeback no matter how hard you try to eradicate them. Patios that have not been properly installed often result in substantial weed growth sprouting up through the gaps. However, even with correct installation, soil and seeds can slip into the spaces between paving stones, potentially leading to some weed growth over time.

With this in mind, Hannah Rowson, gardening expert at J. Parker’s , the UK’s top retailer of garden plants and bulbs, has offered her advice on “permanently” banishing weeds from the garden and patio. When it comes to weeding, it’s crucial to understand what type of weed you’re dealing with.

Hannah clarified: “Like any plant, weeds can be annual or perennial. Annual weeds are easier to get rid of, as they only last one year or season. They might pop up quickly, but they can be removed just as swiftly too.

“Perennial weeds are more challenging, as they’ll come back year after year. They have deeper roots than their annual counterparts and if they're not removed, they'll simply return to taunt you.” Hannah recommends using an app or online guide to help identify the type of weed you’re dealing with.

One way to “kill off weeds” is by dousing them with boiling water from your kettle. The expert explained that this “shocks the plant, killing it within a day or two”. While this method is a brilliant fix for pesky patio weeds, Hannah warns to proceed with caution in flower beds, noting that “using boiled water is much easier to do for patio weeds, but exercise caution when trying this in the garden, as the boiling water can damage neighbouring plants in a border display”.

For a more long-term solution, the gardener recommended using vinegar . Hannah has named white vinegar as a “fantastic, natural alternative to weed killer”, highlighting its pet-friendly and cost-effective benefits. She said: “Vinegar is full of acetic acid, which is a natural bacteria killer.

It's a great way of killing back any unwanted weeds that are siloed and aren't surrounded by wanted plants in a day.” To tackle those stubborn invaders, fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and give them a thorough spritz, aiming as close to the roots as possible. Even regular vinegar can work wonders, assisting you to “get rid of weeds permanently”.

Additionally, she advised: “You can also try using lemon juice, as it contains citric acid which can cause weeds to shrivel.” For those troublesome weeds cropping up in lawns, Hannah suggests that the “best approach” is simply to snip them away. She instructed: “Nipping it in the bud is the best approach to tackling weeds in your garden lawn.

“Frequently mowing your lawn is one of the best ways of keeping weeds at bay. This helps to weaken them, and also stops them from setting seed, which in turn, stops them from reappearing.”.