Reader's View: Protect the innocent; end unnecessary abortions

Over 1 million unnecessary abortions were performed in the U.S. last year.


The Bible’s book of Jeremiah reads, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I sanctified you. I ordained you a prophet to the nations.

“40 Days for Life” is an internationally coordinated campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer, fasting, and peaceful, all-day vigils in front of abortion businesses. The campaign begins Sept. 25.

It has been a shocking experience to reach out to various churches that claim to be Christian and, despite numerous phone calls, won’t put up an 81⁄2-by-11 posters about “40 Days for Life.” It is my hope these churches read and take to heart the passage from Jeremiah and this one from Proverbs: “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” ADVERTISEMENT Over 1 million unnecessary abortions were performed in the U.

S. last year. As Christians, one of our godly assigned tasks is protecting the innocent.

I hope all Christians will pray, especially during the 40 Days for Life event, to end unnecessary abortions. Bridget A. Leighton Duluth Email submissions to: letters@duluthnews.

com Include a full name, address and daytime phone number. Only names and hometowns will be published..