Reader letter: Don't compare Ministers with cricketing greats

SIR - With reference to John Cole's letter, ( T&A, September 19), I would not dignify the mendacity and hypocrisy of Starmer and Reeves by comparing their contemptible actions with the grit and determination of Yorkshire's great, Geoffrey Boycott.


SIR - With reference to John Cole's letter, ( T&A, September 19), I would not dignify the mendacity and hypocrisy of Starmer and Reeves by comparing their contemptible actions with the grit and determination of Yorkshire's great, Geoffrey Boycott. The latter's contributions were always invaluable as he proved reliable and consistent, and on occasion displayed flair and fluency. In contrast Labour have removed the heating allowance for pensioners without prior notification during the election campaign, but MPs who have second homes are still able to claim their own heating allowance, including Reeves.

In addition, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, Ed Davey, threatens to reduce politics to the status of utter farce. His party only won 72 seats because of the disillusionment with the Conservative Party, not because of his absurd antics. Alec Suchi, Allerton.