Ramwadi underpass floods again, residents question PMC’s inaction


Pune: The recent flooding of Ramwadi underpass , a link between Vimannagar and Kalyaninagar, after light showers have once again raised concerns about PMC's commitment to address long-standing drainage issues , residents said. Qaneez Sukhrani, the convener of the Association of Nagar Road Citizens' Forum, said the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) had not responded to citizens' complaints so far. "We highlighted various blockages in stormwater lines and chambers in May and June.

The situation remains unchanged two months later despite our efforts," she said. The association had previously reported finding mattresses and pillows stuffed in the drains, which PMC had acknowledged at that time. However, recent photos shared by residents show waterlogging in the underpass even without rainfall, suggesting that the underlying problems persist.

"We're calling on the PMC commissioner to take action against officers who have failed in their duties," Sukhrani said. The group has demanded show-cause notices and potential suspensions for those responsible for the pre-monsoon checks and subsequent inaction. Vimannagar resident Shyam Kuddyady said, "The situation at the underpass is dismal, as waterlogging occurs even without any significant rainfall.

As taxpayers, we've contributed substantial amounts of money, yet such critical infrastructure projects continue to have these issues. The frequent flooding causes major inconvenience to commuters, forcing them to risk riding through waterlogged areas." A PMC official said the waterlogging wasn't necessarily due to rainwater accumulation, but rather groundwater seeping through the underpass walls.

"This seepage has been an ongoing issue, but previously, the water wouldn't accumulate in the underpass. We had attempted to address this by waterproofing earlier, but the recent rains may have caused the water table to swell. The current accumulation is mainly due to debris blocking the drain outlet in the underpass," the official said.

"While there are cables present, they're positioned above the drain and aren't causing the blockage. We'll be instructing the ward office to conduct regular cleaning of the drain to prevent future issues.".