‘Qatar’s readiness to mediate helps our efforts in stabilising the region’

Khalid Tawalbeh DohaUS Ambassador to Qatar HE Timmy T Davis has highlighted the strategic importance of the US-Qatar alliance, saying Doha’s willingness to do the hard work, its un...


Qatar tribune Khalid Tawalbeh Doha US Ambassador to Qatar HE Timmy T Davis has highlighted the strategic importance of the US-Qatar alliance, saying Doha’s willingness to do the hard work, its unique ability to talk with virtually anyone, and its readiness to mediate has aided “our efforts in stabilising the region”. In an exclusive interview with Qatar Tribune, the US ambassador shared a compelling perspective on pivotal US foreign policy initiatives in the Middle East. On cybersecurity Asked about the US-Qatar cooperation on cybersecurity and its broader implications, particularly following Qatar’s successful hosting of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the US ambassador began by underscoring the significance of cybersecurity in today’s interconnected world.

“One of the things that was hugely important during the World Cup was ensuring cybersecurity,” Davis stated. “There are malicious actors all over the world who endeavour and attempt to infiltrate all sorts of security and cyber systems. This doesn’t just involve national defence or major security systems, it can be as routine as people’s emails, phone calls, and personal data.

”He highlighted the deep collaboration between Qatar and the US during the World Cup to ensure that these systems were secure. “We worked together to make sure that all the systems here were functioning effectively and that people trusted their data was safe,” he said. Davis noted that as Qatar’s ICT sector expands, there is increasing involvement from major US companies, including AWS, Google, and Microsoft.

He also pointed out that the future of artificial intelligence (AI) is a key factor that will require even more robust cybersecurity measures. “The future of AI, in particular, is going to force us to think about cybersecurity in a way that we haven’t before,” he stressed, adding that while AI presents numerous benefits, its risks must be managed carefully. “The world is coming to grips with the fact that there may be more benefits to AI than there are risks, but we have to manage those risks,” he said.

“As Qatar steps out and wants to be part of an artificial intelligence future, it will have to use the strong relationship we’ve built with trusted vendors and partners, especially from the US.” Moreover, Davis highlighted the potential life-changing impact of AI when properly harnessed. “AI has the ability to change lives.

It can act as a great equalizer, ensuring that individuals from all backgrounds can access technology to improve their lives. Someone in a remote village can have the same opportunities as someone in a world-class city, but only if we get the security right.” He added, “Our partnership with Qatar will be crucial in shaping this AI-driven future.

” Davis underscored the significance of initiatives like the Fulbright Programme. “We have nominated two scholars, a Qatari and an American, to conduct research on cybersecurity and AI. This is part of our ongoing efforts to advance our joint capabilities.

” On climate change Shifting focus to climate change, Davis drew a direct connection between environmental sustainability and regional stability. He shared his personal experience from his time at the White House in 2011-2012, where he regularly received briefings on water scarcity, and the growing concerns that it could become a key factor in future conflicts. “There are 1.

1 billion people in the world without access to sufficient water. Water scarcity could lead to the next great conflict or war,” he warned. He praised Qatar’s proactive role in addressing these challenges, particularly its innovative approach to water management.

“Qatar has been an absolutely vital partner to us in reversing water scarcity,” he stated. “Qatar’s commitment to doubling its solar energy resources, its efficient use of water to sustain agriculture, and the way it has built a dairy industry in the desert are incredible examples of how they are addressing these issues.” Davis pointed out Qatar’s leadership in addressing methane emissions and its partnerships with international organizations, highlighting Qatar’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gases.

He underscored that these environmental efforts have far-reaching implications for peace and stability in the region. “The lack of water, pollution, and climate change can exacerbate conflicts around the world,” he said. “Qatar’s leadership in mitigating these factors will be key in preventing future conflicts.

As they ensure the world’s energy supply, they are simultaneously tackling the challenge of climate change, which demonstrates their forward-thinking approach.” Davis emphasized the dual role Qatar plays in managing both energy demands and environmental sustainability. “As Qatar has stepped up to ensure energy supplies during the Russia-Ukraine conflict, they have not lost sight of the fact that the future of our planet depends on addressing climate change.

They are able to do both things, ensuring energy security while leading the charge on climate action,” he added. USdomestic politics and its impact on peace efforts In response to a question about the changes in US domestic politics and their potential impact on peace efforts in the Middle East, he stressed that the US’s approach to the region has remained consistent despite shifts in administration and congressional priorities. He acknowledged that, unlike European parliamentary systems, where governments may change without drastic policy shifts, the US does see changes with each administration.

However, he emphasized that “there has been great consistency in how the US engages in the region”. Ambassador Davis noted that historically, the US has sometimes been criticized for viewing the Middle East as a monolith rather than appreciating the unique dynamics of each country. However, he underscored the shift in US foreign policy towards building robust bilateral relationships with individual countries across the region, stating, “We have come to know that we have to have full-fledged bilateral relationships with all of the countries of the region.

” He specifically highlighted the evolving partnership with Qatar, which has become a critical ally in both security and defence, as well as in economic and educational spheres. He said the relationship has matured due to Qatar’s strong desire to be “a force for good in the world.” He emphasized the importance of Qatar’s diplomatic role in regional conflicts, such as the ongoing Gaza conflict, pointing out that Qatar’s ability to mediate and maintain relationships with all parties has significantly bolstered the US’s capacity to engage in peace efforts.

He explained, “Qatar’s willingness to do the hard work, its unique ability to talk with virtually anyone, and its readiness to mediate has aided our efforts in stabilizing the region.” He noted that Qatar’s enthusiasm in these efforts is palpable, stating, “Qatar sparks enthusiasm with their partners,” which has given the US “a new sort of energy” in addressing global conflicts. He praised Qatar’s tireless diplomatic efforts, including its role in the Russia-Ukraine crisis and their ongoing work in Afghanistan.

The ambassador highlighted that Qatar’s foreign policy priorities, whether related to humanitarian issues like women’s and girls’ rights or agricultural development, have provided invaluable support to the US’s broader strategic objectives in these areas. He underscored that “Qatar’s interest in advancing regional stability has given us new energy to solve some of the world’s toughest conflicts,” stressing the mutual trust and shared vision that define the US-Qatar partnership. Educational and cultural exchanges On the role of educational and cultural exchanges between the US and the Middle East in advancing peace efforts, the US ambassador underscored the profound impact these exchanges have on fostering mutual understanding and cooperation.

He began by stressing his belief in the value of people-to-people connections. “We believe deeply in people-to-people exchange,” Davis stated. He recounted the signing of a memorandum of understanding on educational and cultural exchange during the strategic dialogue in March of the previous year, emphasizing, “Education and cultural exchange are at the forefront of what we’re doing.

” Davis highlighted that many leaders in Qatar’s industry, commerce, education, and government have been educated in the United States. Davis reiterated the commitment to enhancing these exchanges, saying, “We are committed to ensuring that more Qatari students make it to the United States and invite American students to experience Qatar.” He mentioned various cultural initiatives, including the frequent visits of American artists and bands to Qatar.

“We have brought great artists and bands here, and we’re excited about future cultural exchanges,” he said, adding his admiration for Qatari landmarks like the Museum of Islamic Art. In summary, Davis emphasized that educational and cultural exchanges are vital for bridging gaps and fostering long-term peace. “We need to continue these exchanges to understand each other’s cultures and work towards common goals,” he affirmed.

Israel-Palestine conflict Answering a question on US involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially in the wake of recent events, the US ambassador highlighted the significant role Qatar has played. He stated, “It has been a priority for us, and we were grateful that immediately, Qatar was a partner in helping us try to find a path toward peace.” He underscored Qatar’s long-standing commitment to the Palestinian cause, noting that “Qatar has always been interested in the Palestinian cause” and has provided humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in Gaza for years.

Ambassador Davis detailed the close cooperation between the US and Qatar following the escalation on October 7. He mentioned that US Secretary of State visited Doha shortly after the event and “met with His Highness the Amir” to gain insight into Qatar’s perspective on the situation. This visit, according to Davis, was “an incredibly fruitful conversation,” and much of the subsequent US efforts in the region have been informed by Qatar’s deep understanding of the Palestinian people and their needs.

He emphasized Qatar’s pivotal role in mediation efforts, stating, “Qatar has played an outsized role in this mediation.” He pointed out that the US has been engaged in ongoing conversations with its partners, including Qatar, to navigate the path forward. He acknowledged the importance of these discussions in shaping the approach to the conflict, noting, “We have been in a constant conversation with our country partners about where we should go and what we should do.

” Looking to the future, Davis expressed optimism about Qatar’s continued involvement in achieving long-term peace. He said, “Qatar’s role is not only about solving this current conflict but also about ensuring long-term peace.” He highlighted the necessity of productive dialogue and often listening to Qatar, emphasizing that “if we’re going to be successful in long-term peace, it’s going to require productive conversations and often listening to Qatar.

” US military engagement in the region Answering a question on the future of US military engagement in the region, the US envoy underscored the exemplary nature of the US-Qatar military and security relationship. He highlighted recent updates to the defense cooperation agreement and efforts to ensure Qatar has the necessary equipment for its defense. Al-Udeid Air Base was emphasized as a cornerstone of US regional security strategy, growing in both importance and capability.

He stressed that Al-Udeid is central to US plans for the region’s future security, noting its role in providing a secure and stable environment. The ambassador acknowledged that while much of the military and security work is not always visible in the media, there is ongoing dialogue about shared responsibilities for regional and Qatari security. He also emphasized that the partnership with Qatar as a major non-NATO ally is intended to encourage a preference for peace over conflict, showcasing strong readiness and preparedness.

His remarks painted Al-Udeid as a critical element in maintaining regional stability and underscoring the US’ commitment to its allies in the region. Principles guiding US involvement in global conflict zones The US ambassador shed light on the principles guiding US involvement in global conflict zones, emphasizing a balance between humanitarian concerns and geopolitical interests. The ambassador highlighted that the US prioritizes human suffering in its foreign policy, underscoring this commitment through substantial humanitarian aid efforts worldwide.

“Human suffering has always been a crucial matter for us,” he stated, reflecting on the alignment of US values with those of its partners, including Qatar. The ambassador detailed significant US contributions to crisis relief, noting that $5.9 billion has been provided to Yemen, with $5.

1 billion allocated specifically for humanitarian assistance through USAID. In Syria, the US has committed $17 billion, and in Ukraine, the support has been pivotal. He also commended Qatar’s efforts in Sudan and highlighted the collaboration with Qatar Charities, reinforcing the shared mission of alleviating global suffering.

The ambassador also discussed the evolving nature of US foreign policy, emphasizing a more refined understanding of global engagement. He mentioned that the US is continually crystallizing its approach to conflict zones, utilizing various tools at its disposal. He pointed out the importance of partnerships, including the one with Qatar and NATO, in effectively addressing and mitigating conflicts.

Reflecting on the situation in Gaza, the ambassador stressed the importance of building a sustainable future to minimize future conflicts. “Our efforts are focused on creating a future that promotes prosperity and security,” he said. Copy 08/09/2024 10.