Qatar’s five-decade legacy of global peace, development and humanitarian aid through UN

Since becoming a member of the United Nations in 1971, Qatar has played an active role in fulfilling the organisation’s objectives of maintaining international peace and security and fostering develop...


Since becoming a member of the United Nations in 1971, Qatar has played an active role in fulfilling the organisation’s objectives of maintaining international peace and security and fostering development across the globe. Over the past five decades, the relationship between Qatar and the UN has been characterised by co-operation and joint co-ordination, serving global humanity and addressing regional and international crises. Qatar has emerged as a prominent figure in the UN, working tirelessly to prevent conflicts, resolve crises, and contribute to peacebuilding efforts.

Qatar’s efforts toward achieving these goals have been multi-faceted, involving hosting numerous conferences, workshops, and meetings dedicated to peace, security, development, democracy, human rights, and fostering a culture of peace. The capital, Doha, has become a hub for international dialogue, playing host to important discussions and initiatives aimed at finding solutions to some of the world’s most pressing issues. Qatar’s commitment to international co-operation is also evident through its close partnerships with various United Nations agencies and specialised bodies.

These include institutions such as the United Nations Economic and Social Council, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the International Labour Organisation (ILO), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco), among others. Through these relationships, Qatar has continued to support global development initiatives and advance the UN’s mission. Since its independence in 1971, Qatar has prioritised international co-operation as a cornerstone of its foreign policy.

Over the decades, the country has shown a deep commitment to supporting international bodies and agencies, both politically and financially. By contributing to peacebuilding efforts, development initiatives, and humanitarian assistance, Qatar has solidified its role as a responsible and active member of the global community. Its efforts are particularly focused on the least developed countries (LDCs), where Qatar works to assist in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and provides aid to those affected by natural disasters, conflicts, and other emergencies.

Qatar’s approach to humanitarian assistance is distinguished by its focus on delivering aid through bilateral and multilateral channels, ensuring best practices and high levels of professionalism. Most of the aid is directed to low-income and least-developed countries, in addition to nations struck by natural disasters or conflicts. Among the numerous countries that have benefited from Qatari aid are Indonesia, following the devastating 2004 tsunami, Pakistan, after the 2005 earthquake and subsequent floods, Haiti, and Somalia, among others.

Qatar has also played a significant role in assisting displaced people and those affected by wars across the world, including its contributions to humanitarian relief in conflict zones. Qatar’s foreign policy places a strong emphasis on diplomacy and mediation as essential tools for conflict resolution. Over the years, Qatar has built a reputation as a credible and trusted mediator in various international conflicts, contributing to peace efforts through its participation in diplomatic negotiations.

This approach has earned Qatar significant international recognition for its ability to bridge divides between opposing parties and foster agreements that satisfy all sides. Qatar’s efforts in this domain have been instrumental in resolving a range of conflicts, with its diplomatic interventions achieving tangible results on the ground through development projects and peacebuilding initiatives. One of the most prominent examples of Qatar’s successful mediation efforts was the signing of the Peace Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the United States and the Taliban in February 2020.

This agreement marked a significant milestone in the efforts to end decades of conflict in Afghanistan and restore peace in the region. Qatar’s involvement in this peace process further highlighted its growing role as a mediator in international affairs and demonstrated its commitment to supporting global peace and security. Qatar has also participated in UN peacekeeping missions in various regions, including Lebanon, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Eritrea, and other conflict-affected areas.

Additionally, Qatar has played a crucial role in resolving crises in Sudan and Chad, as well as helping to mediate border disputes between Djibouti and Eritrea. These efforts have not only contributed to regional stability but have also positioned Qatar as a key player in international peace and security efforts. In 2021, Qatar again demonstrated its humanitarian leadership by participating in the evacuation of thousands of Afghan and foreign nationals at risk following the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan.

In addition to providing urgent humanitarian aid to those affected, Qatar also played a pivotal role in supporting the broader international efforts to confront the Covid-19 pandemic. Qatar’s contributions during the pandemic included the provision of much-needed support to countries in need, evacuation and transportation services for stranded individuals worldwide, and United Nations employees to mitigate the pandemic’s effects. Qatar’s aid and development assistance during this period focused on the health, education, water, and sanitation sectors, particularly in countries that had been devastated by natural disasters, such as floods and droughts.

Within the framework of its longstanding relationship with the United Nations, Qatar continues to provide extensive support to UN agencies to enable them to carry out their missions effectively. In addition to its mandatory contributions to the UN’s regular budget and peacekeeping operations, Qatar has consistently provided voluntary donations to numerous UN funds and programmes. Between 2000 and 2014, Qatar made substantial donations to over 41 UN-affiliated bodies, supporting the organisation’s efforts to alleviate poverty, improve access to education, and respond to global disasters and crises.

Qatar’s voluntary contributions are guided by a comprehensive national approach that aligns with the country’s priorities and strategies for supporting international institutions. This approach focuses on mediation, promoting sustainable development plans, improving the conditions of children in developing countries, and enhancing humanitarian assistance in conflict and war zones. Qatar has contributed significantly to UN initiatives aimed at alleviating complex humanitarian emergencies, including those addressing issues such as entrenched poverty and food insecurity.

Among the prominent UN bodies that have benefited from Qatar’s contributions are the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the UNDP, Unicef, and the United Nations Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Qatar has also taken significant steps to address global challenges through its own institutions. One such initiative is the establishment of the Silatech Foundation, which focuses on tackling youth unemployment worldwide by creating job opportunities for young people.

With a capital of $100mn, the foundation has implemented numerous projects and initiatives, particularly in Yemen, Morocco, and Syria. Silatech’s work has had a substantial impact in these countries, providing thousands of young people with opportunities for employment and helping to address the root causes of poverty and instability. Qatar’s efforts to support vulnerable groups in various societies, particularly children, have not gone unnoticed.

In May 2020, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution introduced by Qatar to designate September 9 as the “International Day to Protect Education from Attack.” The resolution was spearheaded by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of the Education Above All Foundation, and called for international support to hold accountable those responsible for attacks on education and children in conflict zones. This initiative reflects Qatar’s broader commitment to protecting education as a fundamental human right and promoting accountability for violations of children’s rights.

Beyond its role in peace and security, Qatar has hosted numerous international conferences and forums focused on global trade, development, and democracy in cooperation with the United Nations and other international organisations. These events have included the 2001 WTO Fourth Ministerial Meeting, the 2005 Group of 77 and China Summit, the 2006 Sixth International Conference of New or Restored Democracies, and the 2011 Fourth Global UN Alliance of Civilisations Forum. In 2020, Qatar played a leading role in hosting the Afghanistan Peace Negotiations, which ultimately led to the signing of the agreement to bring peace to Afghanistan.

Qatar is also a staunch advocate of the UN’s Alliance of Civilisations initiative, which aims to counter extremist ideologies and promote intercultural dialogue. The initiative has become a crucial platform for fostering understanding between different cultures and religions, and Qatar has continued to provide financial and logistical support for its activities. Since hosting the Fourth Global UN Alliance of Civilisations Forum in 2011, Qatar has been at the forefront of efforts to combat extremism and promote a culture of peace and tolerance.

Qatar’s humanitarian and diplomatic efforts extend into the field of sports as well. Qatar is one of the key sponsors of the UN resolution on sport for development and peace, recognising the role of sports in promoting global unity and development. The country has hosted numerous international sporting events, including the FIFA World Cup in 2022, which garnered international acclaim for its organisation and success.

Initiatives like “National Sports Day” and the “Doha Goals” platform have further enhanced Qatar’s efforts to use sports as a tool for promoting global development and peace. Qatar’s dedication to advancing human rights is evident from its active membership in the United Nations Human Rights Council, where it served from 2007-2010, 2011-2013, and 2015-2017. During these periods, Qatar worked closely with other member states to address specific threats to human rights, particularly through its participation in the Group of Friends United against Human Trafficking.

Doha is also home to the United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region, which plays a key role in raising awareness about human rights issues in the region. In the context of combating terrorism, Qatar has been a proactive participant in international efforts. The country emphasises the need to address the underlying causes of terrorism, advocating for an approach that does not associate terrorism with any particular religion, culture, or civilisation.

As a founding member of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF), Qatar co-ordinates with 30 countries to develop initiatives that address emerging threats, including terrorist financing. Qatar is also an active member of the Terrorist Financing Targeting Center (TFTC), a coalition of GCC states and the United States aimed at combating terrorist financing. In December 2018, Qatar signed an agreement with the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) to establish a regional office in Doha, contributing $75mn to support the office’s global strategy.

This partnership was further strengthened in 2019 with the first Qatar-UNOCT Strategic Dialogue, held at the UN headquarters. These initiatives underscore Qatar’s commitment to combating terrorism on a global scale while promoting sustainable peace and security. In conclusion, Qatar’s contributions to international peace, security, and development through its partnerships with the United Nations and other global institutions reflect the country’s commitment to fostering a more just and equitable world.

By focusing on diplomacy, mediation, humanitarian aid, and sustainable development, Qatar has positioned itself as a key player in global efforts to address some of the most pressing challenges facing humanity today..