Canadian Western Bank ( TSE:CWB – Free Report ) – Analysts at Desjardins issued their Q3 2025 earnings per share estimates for shares of Canadian Western Bank in a note issued to investors on Wednesday, December 18th. Desjardins analyst D. Young forecasts that the company will post earnings of $0.
95 per share for the quarter. Desjardins has a “Buy” rating and a $57.00 price objective on the stock.
The consensus estimate for Canadian Western Bank’s current full-year earnings is $3.66 per share. Desjardins also issued estimates for Canadian Western Bank’s Q4 2025 earnings at $0.
97 EPS, FY2025 earnings at $3.45 EPS and FY2026 earnings at $3.80 EPS.
Several other research analysts also recently commented on the stock. CIBC boosted their price target on shares of Canadian Western Bank from C$60.30 to C$63.
50 in a research report on Tuesday, November 26th. BMO Capital Markets lifted their price objective on Canadian Western Bank from C$52.00 to C$58.
00 in a research note on Monday, November 18th. Jefferies Financial Group upped their target price on Canadian Western Bank from C$52.00 to C$57.
00 and gave the stock a “hold” rating in a research note on Tuesday, September 3rd. Royal Bank of Canada lifted their price target on Canadian Western Bank from C$52.00 to C$60.
00 and gave the company a “sector perform” rating in a research report on Thursday. Finally, Raymond James upped their price objective on shares of Canadian Western Bank from C$54.00 to C$59.
00 and gave the stock a “market perform” rating in a research report on Thursday. Six equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and four have given a buy rating to the stock. According to MarketBeat, the company has an average rating of “Hold” and a consensus target price of C$54.
83. Canadian Western Bank Trading Up 4.2 % Shares of TSE:CWB opened at C$58.
53 on Friday. The company has a 50 day moving average of C$57.71 and a 200 day moving average of C$49.
56. The stock has a market cap of C$5.66 billion, a P/E ratio of 19.
64, a P/E/G ratio of 2.95 and a beta of 1.39.
Canadian Western Bank has a 12 month low of C$24.66 and a 12 month high of C$61.81.
Canadian Western Bank Company Profile ( Get Free Report ) Canadian Western Bank is a diversified financial service organization providing banking, trust, and wealth management services. The group operates through a number of subsidiaries providing different areas of financial services. Canadian Western Bank offers business banking services including general commercial banking, equipment financing and leasing, real estate financing, and other services for small- and medium-sized companies, as well as personal banking services including chequing and savings accounts, loans, mortgages, and investment products.
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Q3 Earnings Forecast for TSE:CWB Issued By Desjardins
Canadian Western Bank (TSE:CWB – Free Report) – Analysts at Desjardins issued their Q3 2025 earnings per share estimates for shares of Canadian Western Bank in a note issued to investors on Wednesday, December 18th. Desjardins analyst D. Young forecasts that the company will post earnings of $0.95 per share for the quarter. Desjardins has [...]