Badminton champion PV Sindhu recently tied the knot with her long-time partner, Venkata Datta Sai, in an intimate and breathtaking intimate wedding ceremony held on a private island in Udaipur. While the picturesque location set the perfect backdrop, it was Sindhu’s fashion choices that truly stole the spotlight. Defying the traditional and often predictable choices of bold reds and glittering golds, the Olympian opted for a more unconventional yet stunning color palette.
She wore an ethereal, iridescent gold ensemble with subtle ivory undertones, a modern twist on bridal elegance. The fabric shimmered under the sunlight, thanks to the intricate gold zari work, the luxurious gotta-patti, and the layers of polki, which added an exquisite touch of grandeur. Sindhu's look was not just about tradition—it was a daring celebration of her maximalist style, showcasing her unique fashion sensibilities.
For the post-wedding celebrations, Sindhu once again made an unforgettable sartorial statement, this time in a Falguni Shane Peacock creation, as reported by Vogue magazine. The badminton star chose a striking ivory tulle lehenga, an intricate masterpiece adorned with Swarovski crystals, sequins, and a cascade of colored crystals that captured every angle of light. The ensemble was a brilliant mix of elegance and contemporary flair, with a full-sleeved blouse trimmed with delicate tassels and layers of emerald beads.
The lehenga was paired with two flowing drapes of tulle and silver tissue that added an ethereal vibe to the overall look. Completing the ensemble was an ethereal tulle dupatta, which featured a signature FSP buckle, further elevating the entire outfit. Sindhu's accessories were no less opulent—emerald and diamond layered necklaces added a royal touch, making her bridal ensemble a visual symphony of tradition and modernity.
5 Times Nita Ambani Rocked Traditional Wear at Anant-Radhika's Events Venkata Datta Sai, Sindhu’s husband, complemented her in a sleek black bandhgala by the same designer duo, Falguni Shane Peacock. His outfit featured tonal silk embroidery and an elegant scattering of crystals and sequins, creating a perfect balance between contemporary style and classic tradition. Together, the couple epitomized a modern, fashionable take on bridal luxury, while paying homage to their cultural roots.
Sindhu’s wedding and post-wedding looks exemplify how a bride can stay true to her personal style, whether embracing bold tradition or opting for innovative, bespoke fashion. She has set a new standard for brides to define their own beauty and elegance, proving that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to wedding fashion. Stay updated with the latest news on Times of India .
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PV Sindhu stuns in a Falguni Shane Peacock lehenga for her wedding reception
PV Sindhu recently married Venkata Datta Sai in an intimate Telugu ceremony on a private island in Udaipur. Sindhu wore an iridescent gold ensemble and a striking ivory tulle lehenga for post-wedding celebrations. Her fashion choices, embracing both tradition and modernity, set new standards for brides. Venkata complemented her in a sleek black bandhgala.