Proposed wildfire rules could determine what you can put next to your home. How to join the conversation

The Zone Zero regulations on defensible space would apply to trees, potted plants, fences and other items that can catch embers and ignite.


Should you be allowed to have trees or potted plants next to your home in a fire-prone area? That’s the kind of question the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection is figuring out right now. The devastation of the January wildfires led to a renewed push for mandated ember-resistant zones around certain properties, which were first approved under AB 3074 in 2020. The incoming regulations will also affect existing properties down the line.

The board’s Zone Zero advisory committee started holding public workshops last week where residents can give input. Here’s what you should know to get involved. What the regulations could cover Setting up a “Zone Zero” has been a recommended practice for home fire prevention for a while, but the regulations that would make it a requirement aren’t in place yet.

The idea is that by creating a 5-foot area of “ defensible space ,” homes will have a better chance of not burning because embers are less likely to catch something on fire. According to the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety , properties with this clearance survive wildfires at nearly double the rate of ones without it. A working group has been ironing out the details of what would be allowed to stay in that 5-foot zone and what wouldn’t.

So far, here’s what they’re recommending to allow: And here’s what may not be allowed: Once the Zone Zero rules are finalized later this year, it will apply to all land under the state’s responsibility, as well as locally-controlled areas identified as having a very high fire risk . Property owners for existing buildings will have three years to comply with the changes once implemented. You can check the state map here to see if your property is in the responsibility area.

The map for fire hazard zones in Los Angeles County is currently being revised and should be released here under Phase 4 of the update by March 24 . How you can share feedback The committee is expected to have a draft of the regulations by March 21. And your next chance to get involved in the meetings will be on April 7 and May 16.

The meetings are held in person at the California Natural Resources agency in Sacramento. But don’t worry — there is a virtual option too. Officials recommend you subscribe to the board’s email list to receive the meeting information when it comes out, and RSVP if you’re going to join.

You can also send comments to [email protected] .
