"Preventable. Her death was preventable."

In between the oldest grandboy and the youngest, there would have been another, brother or sister to them both. My oldest grandson was excited, looking forward to being a big brother. The family had begun to choose names, make plans. But my daughter had a miscarriage. Her husband and son were up north camping when it happened. She called me and I took her to the hospital emergency room. I'll never forget the waiting for her to be seen, her saying with gritted teeth that she just wanted "it" out of her. Her body now a coffin for her dead child. After everything was done and she was home again, the days ticking by as she, her husband, and son adjusted to the new void where someone should be, she bought a blue topaz ring in memory of the child she had lost, the future they had all lost.I think of all the other women in this country going through miscarriages, needing any kind of reproductive care, in these days when women's lives are held so cheaply. When their suffering, agony, and health, are held as meaningless. When their right to choose how to take care of their own bodies and lives have been stripped away by ignorant zealotry. I think of the mothers of daughters who are helpless to protect their loved ones. I think of the fathers of daughters, the sisters and brothers, all forced to watch them suffer and too often die.I think of children left motherless.My daughter's miscarriage happened in a Blue State before Roe v Wade was lost. Her doctors and nurses were free to uphold their oaths and provide the health care she needed to prevent sepsis and death. She did not suffer from lack of health care. Her ability to have more children was not destroyed. Her life was saved. I think of what could have happened to her if things had been different. I think of the mothers who are grieving today because their daughters’ suffering, and death were preventable.Preventable.Vice President Harris spent time last night with the mother of a daughter, Amber Nicole Thurman, who was denied care until it was too late to save her. That mother is haunted by the word “preventable.” Her daughter would still be alive but for a law enacted by self-righteous ignorance and a lust for power. Instead, that law condemned Amber to hours of agony as sepsis ravaged her body, shutting her organs down one by one. Her last words were to her mother, “Promise me you’ll take care of my son.” So much pain. So much loss. Her death is not the only one since the protections of Roe v Wade were destroyed. There will be more. And they are preventable. Kamala had some powerful important things to say about that in Georgia today. She was on fire. Highly recommend watching her lay out the moral case against what is happening to our mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, friends, and granddaughters. Then share it. This needs to be talked about with family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. Those who have been touched by miscarriage, by a lack of health care, are legion. One in three American women live in states with abortion bans. One in three. Most of those states do not provide prenatal care, or health care during and after pregnancy. The supposed pro-life crowd really isn’t. We must not be silent. We will not, must not, allow this nightmare to continue. We must elect MVP Harris to the Presidency and give her a Blue Congress. Together, we rise. Together, we bring back decency, compassion, courage, and integrity. Together — we win. YouTube Video


In between the oldest grandboy and the youngest, there would have been another, brother or sister to them both. My oldest grandson was excited, looking forward to being a big brother. The family had begun to choose names, make plans.

But my daughter had a miscarriage. Her husband and son were up north camping when it happened. She called me and I took her to the hospital emergency room.

I'll never forget the waiting for her to be seen, her saying with gritted teeth that she just wanted "it" out of her. Her body now a coffin for her dead child. After everything was done and she was home again, the days ticking by as she, her husband, and son adjusted to the new void where someone should be, she bought a blue topaz ring in memory of the child she had lost, the future they had all lost.

I think of all the other women in this country going through miscarriages, needing any kind of reproductive care, in these days when women's lives are held so cheaply. When their suffering, agony, and health, are held as meaningless. When their right to choose how to take care of their own bodies and lives have been stripped away by ignorant zealotry.

I think of the mothers of daughters who are helpless to protect their loved ones. I think of the fathers of daughters, the sisters and brothers, all forced to watch them suffer and too often die. I think of children left motherless.

My daughter's miscarriage happened in a Blue State before Roe v Wade was lost. Her doctors and nurses were free to uphold their oaths and provide the health care she needed to prevent sepsis and death. She did not suffer from lack of health care.

Her ability to have more children was not destroyed. Her life was saved. I think of what could have happened to her if things had been different.

I think of the mothers who are grieving today because their daughters’ suffering, and death were preventable. Preventable. Vice President Harris spent time last night with the mother of a daughter, Amber Nicole Thurman, who was denied care until it was too late to save her.

That mother is haunted by the word “preventable.” Her daughter would still be alive but for a law enacted by self-righteous ignorance and a lust for power. Instead, that law condemned Amber to hours of agony as sepsis ravaged her body, shutting her organs down one by one.

Her last words were to her mother, “Promise me you’ll take care of my son.” So much pain. So much loss.

Her death is not the only one since the protections of Roe v Wade were destroyed. There will be more. And they are preventable.

Kamala had some powerful important things to say about that in Georgia today. She was on fire. Highly recommend watching her lay out the moral case against what is happening to our mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, friends, and granddaughters.

Then share it. This needs to be talked about with family, friends, co-workers and neighbors. Those who have been touched by miscarriage, by a lack of health care, are legion.

One in three American women live in states with abortion bans. One in three. Most of those states do not provide prenatal care, or health care during and after pregnancy.

The supposed pro-life crowd really isn’t. We must not be silent. We will not, must not, allow this nightmare to continue.

We must elect MVP Harris to the Presidency and give her a Blue Congress. Together, we rise. Together, we bring back decency, compassion, courage, and integrity.

Together — we win. x x YouTube Video.