President of Investment and Trade Court highlights importance of commercial courts


Beijing: President of the Investment and Trade Court Judge Khalid bin Ali Al Obaidly met in Beijing with President of the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China Judge Zhang Jun. During the meeting, the two sides discussed ways to enhance judicial and legal cooperation between the two countries, and exchange expertise in the fields of judiciary and legislation related to investment and international trade. In his speech at the China-MENA Arbitration Summit held in Beijing, Judge Khalid bin Ali Al Obaidly highlighted Qatar’s role in this regard by issuing Law No.

(2) of 2017 concerning arbitration in civil and commercial matters. Judge Khalid bin Ali Al Obaidly emphasized the critical importance of international commercial courts in promoting justice and providing an environment conducive to global economic growth. He stressed the need for enhancing international cooperation to improve mechanisms for resolving commercial disputes efficiently and swiftly.

He also discussed Qatar’s efforts in establishing a specialised court to foster a judicial environment rooted in quality and to enhance the economy through the “Taqadi” e-litigation system, which aims to expedite and effectively administer justice using modern technology. He pointed out the integration between the court and government agencies, which supports economic growth and encourages both local and international investment..