Polling shows things can only get better with independence - Angus Robertson

Ten years on from the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, new evidence shows that the majority of people believe that things would be better in an independent Scotland on a whole range of issues.


There is also a majority who believe that the Scottish Parliament should be handed more powers in areas that are currently controlled by Westminster. This new polling information conducted by Survation for the national think tank Progress Scotland that I manage, offers a valuable insight into Scottish public attitudes a decade on from the independence vote. Between September 10 and 13 a total of 2059 people took part in the poll to coincide with the anniversary of the referendum which took place on September 18, 2014.

Of those who expressed an opinion, a substantial majority of 71 per cent think relations with Europe would be better if Scotland were an independent country. Advertisement Advertisement Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Edinburgh News, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ads, loyalty rewards and much more. Indeed, even before the point of independence 56 per cent favour the Scottish Parliament having power over Scotland’s relations with Europe, rather than Westminster as is currently the case.

Perhaps this is unsurprising given that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the European Union during the Brexit referendum in 2016 with every single local authority area in the country voting Remain. I have been clear that Brexit was, and continues to be, a disaster for Scotland and this polling suggests that a growing number of Scots agree. Scotland is a proud European nation.

We have always been at our best when we look outwards, with our horizons not limited to the islands on which we live but extended to the continent and beyond. But it isn’t just our relationship with Europe that people think would be better under independence. Of those surveyed 58 per cent who expressed a preference agreed that Scotland’s energy security would be better as an independent nation, with 51 per cent also making clear they felt the price of fuel, gas and electricity would be better too.

Independence would improve the lives of the people of Edinburgh significantly with 65 per cent surveyed agreeing that human rights and equality would improve, so would employment rights said 64 per cent and importantly 54 per cent believe that their pension and dignity in retirement would be better if Scotland were an independent country. Advertisement Advertisement Powers over pensions are fully reserved to Westminster and the SNP has been clear that we will oppose any further increases to the state pension age. I believe it is for this very reason that a majority, 60 per cent, want powers over pensions and retirement to be handed from Westminster to Scotland’s parliament today.

The evidence for the better country Scotland could be with independence is quite literally all around us. Neighbouring independent countries that are similar to Scotland like Denmark, Norway and Finland, are all outperforming the UK. They are wealthier, they are happier, they have higher productivity and lower inequality.

They have fewer people living in poverty and higher levels of investment. From Europe to pensions to energy and tackling the cost of living crisis – the people of Edinburgh deserve so much more than what is being offered from Westminster. After ten years of Westminster failing Scotland since the referendum vote in 2014, let us rediscover our sense of optimism and possibility.

This poll shows that the people of Scotland are already looking forward towards the nation they hope and believe we can become with independence. Angus Robertson is Constitution, External Affairs and Culture Secretary.