Police briefs: Sept. 18, 2024

City to pay for heart-shaped sidewalk scar; Alleged masked robber gets arrested; Truck shoves 16 chunks of freeway median; Alleged armed robber takes car; Hood River warrant scam


City to pay for heart-shaped sidewalk scar HOOD RIVER — The city of Hood River is seeking information on the artist responsible for a heart-shaped scar, containing the initials “L N + J T,” on a fresh section of downtown sidewalk at Rand and Montello streets. The city will bear the cost of replacing the sidewalk, Hood River Police Department (HRPD) announced. “We understand this might look cute since it’s on Hood River City property but is this the approach we take on vandalism from here on out? Do we pick and choose what’s cute vandalism and which is offensive?” HRPD asked in a Facebook post, adding, “Had this been on private property, we are certain the majority of property owners would have requested our help .

..” Alleged masked robber gets arrested THE DALLES — Allegedly robbing an elderly person earlier this year landed the masked robber in NORCOR on Aug.

5. The elderly female victim reported the alleged crime to The Dalles Police Department (TDPD) on July 27, and described the suspect, who wore a mask and brandished a firearm. The robbery took place on 10th, near Pomona Street.

“Detectives and patrol officers worked together to generate leads,” the press release read. On Aug. 5 at around 2 p.

m., detectives found and arrested 34-year-old Sergio Arturo Moreno Aviles in Troutdale. Moreno Aviles is innocent unless and until proven guilty in court.

Charges are often dropped, reduced or altered in the criminal justice system. The case was referred to the Wasco County district attorney. The weapon was also recovered.

It was a pellet gun. Truck shoves 16 chunks of freeway median THE DALLES — A commercial vehicle displaced 16 sections of concrete freeway median on its way into the wrong lane of I-84 Aug. 27.

A trooper responded to a report of median sections in the lane of travel near milepost 81 on I-84 eastbound, according to OSP media logs. A short time later it was reported a commercial vehicle had struck the median and was now disabled in the eastbound lane. The Freightliner, towing two FedEx trailers, left its eastbound lane and collided with the center median.

The driver stated something happened to their steering but couldn’t explain more. I-84 westbound closed while ODOT cleared the road, the vehicle was towed and the driver given a citation. Wasco County Sheriff’s Office and ODOT assisted OSP.

Alleged armed robber takes car THE DALLES — An armed robber took a black Tahoe from a driver at Taylor Lake, according to The Dalles Police Department (TDPD) media logs. The driver reported at about 1:48 a.m.

that they had been stopped in the road by a person in dark clothing, who shined a flashlight in their eyes. The reporting party was scared when they saw the barrel of a gun, and did what the alleged robbery told them to do. The alleged robber took their car and wallet, and drove off, they said.

TDPD found probable cause for robbery, but not for unlawful entry into a motor vehicle, since the victim was not the vehicle’s registered owner. OSP, Intertribe and WCSO were advised. Hood River warrant scam HOOD RIVER — In August, Hood River Sheriff’s Office reminded residents that deputies will never ask for money over the phone in order to take care of a bench warrant.

“Many residents are claiming they’ve received a phone call from a deputy demanding payment to take care of a bench warrant,” read the press release. “Please do not give personal or financial information out over the phone.”.