Plans for new store in Worthing town centre approved

A leading independent jeweller has received permission from the local council to open a new store in Worthing.


A leading independent jeweller has received permission to open a new store in Worthing. Warren James Jewellers, a family-run business, has been given the green light to transform a vacant unit at 74 Montague Street. The plans were approved by Adur and Worthing Councils on January 13.

The ground floor of the three-storey building, located on the north side of Montague Street, is set to be fitted with a new shopfront, including a security shutter and an awning. The shopfront will feature a centralised entrance with windows in two main sections on either side. Warren James Jewellers, which opened its first branch in Stockport in 1979, has grown into one of the largest independent jewellers in the UK, boasting over 200 shops nationwide.

The new shopfront will replace a modern aluminium shopfront that was allowed at appeal in 2007. The design for the new shopfront (Image: Craig Foster Architects) The new design with a centralised entrance is seen by planning officers as an improvement on the current arrangement. The planning report from Adur and Worthing Councils stated: "There would be no significant impact on the amenities of neighbouring occupiers given the scope of works proposed.

"Whilst it is disappointing that the applicant has not been able to compromise on an internal shutter or an alternative shopfront design that does not require the full-width roller shutter, the revised design does offer a larger perforation with some improved visibility from the proposals as originally submitted. "In the context of other nearby roller shutters in this particular vicinity, it is considered that a refusal on design or visual amenity grounds would not be justified in this particular instance.".