A pioneering pair are set to bring their first ever women's health conference to Ipswich this year. Jen Evans and Katie Winearls will host the 'Let's Talk Women's Health' event seeking to "tackle taboos" and "end the ignorance around women's health conditions" at The Hold on Saturday, March 22. The event will include a series of sessions delivered by clinical specialists and aims to empower people to better understand their bodies.
It will be the first of its kind in the county and will cover topics including menopause, breast cancer, skin cancer, endometriosis and fertility. Jen Evans (Image: Submitted) Mrs Evans, from Ipswich, works as a soft tissue therapist and menopause advisor, while Ms Winearls, also from the town, is a healthcare account manager at Nuffield Health Ipswich Hospital. Of her inspiration for the event Mrs Evans said: "In my early 40s, I had symptoms of what I now know to be perimenopause, which led to the opening of a Pandora’s box of women’s health conditions that, even as a woman, I didn’t know much about.
"The incredible women around us are managing these conditions day in, day out, without ever talking about it. This is what has inspired me to create an event where everyone can come and learn about the conditions that are affecting us and the people we care about." And Ms Winearls said: "Put simply, this event is for everybody and anybody - it's for partners, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and anyone who knows a woman with a chronic condition.
It's for anyone who wants to know how to better support the women in their lives." Katie Winearls (Image: Submitted) Woodbridge resident Amy Peckham-Driver, who is a listed speaker and marketing lead for Let's Talk Women's Health, said: "Almost every woman I know can tell a worrying tale of being dismissed by a medical professional at some point in their lives. "It took over a decade for me to be diagnosed with endometriosis, despite having glaringly obvious symptoms from day one, and despite repeated pleas for help during that time.
" The event will be open to the public via pre-booked tickets available via https://LTWH.eventbrite.com and will follow a flexible festival-style format.
Pioneering pair set to bring first women's health conference to Ipswich
A pioneering pair are set to bring their first ever women's health conference to Ipswich this year.