Pickleball comes to Springwood


Springwood Tennis Club is hosting a pickleball open day on Sunday, February 9. or signup to continue reading Held in conjunction with Pickleball NSW, this will be a chance for any local residents to have a go at one of the fastest growing sports in the world. Pickleball is a fun, fast moving sport which provides great exercise and opportunities for enjoyable social connections.

It has taken off overseas and is doing the same in Australia. As an indication of the sport's growing popularity, Tennis Australia will be running a Pickleball Slam during the last weekend of the Australian Open Tennis this year, with a number of leading international players participating. Everyone is welcome to come to the Pickleball Open Day at Spring Street, Springwood from 9am-4pm, both beginners and experienced players.

All equipment will be provided and lessons will be provided for those new to the sport. There is no charge for taking part, but organisers have asked players to register in order to help the day run smoothly. Phone Pam on 0413 349 111 or Kerry on 0414 988 915 if you plan on coming.

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